Big trouble

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The next morning finds them tangled up together in their bed sheets. Sanem is the first to wake up, but she stays still enjoying the feeling of his skin against his and how his chest rise and falls every time he breaths. She still hasn't wrapped up her head around the fact that she is pregnant. That her dream of having three kids with Can will come to life. 

Can begins to move from beneath her and she knows he is awake. She lifts her head to see him already watching her with a sly smile on his face. She reaches up to kiss him like she used to do every morning ever since they got married.

"Good morning my only one" he says with his sleepy voice.

Instead of answering Sanem moves and rides his hips taking his face into her hands and kisses him. He responds eagerly to her kiss and grabs her hips to stabilize her. The kiss change from slow to something more. Can's hands move from her hips to her waist underneath his t-shirt that she is wearing a pj and he begins to remove it. With his hands still there he flips them and he ends up being on the top of her. The moment she's on her back Samen instinctively jolts her hips to meet with his and lets out a small moan. Can reacts by removing her t-shirt extremely quick and dives into her neck and her amazing scent. His brain deep down wonders if the hormones during the pregnancy will change that scent. He keeps assaulting her pulse point next to her collar bone with kisses and bites until he freezes. She's pregnant. His child is inside her, he could hurt him/her.

Sanem without knowing the struggle that's happening inside his mind grabs his face to bring it to hers, but she finds resistance. Can's eyes are full of fear and stare at her like she will break in his hands.

"Can what's wrong?" She asks with her voice coming out as a whisper and her breathing uneven.

"Are you ok?" she continues as she tries to understand what's wrong with her husband.

"Sanem, you're pregnant." he says not as a question but as a declaration.

"I know Can. What about it?" she says while she's getting more confused by the minute.

"I can't do this. WE can't do this. It could hurt the baby. Do some unrepairable damage." while he is saying those words he gets away from her and inspects her body for any visible sign that something is wrong.

She is huffing and puffing right now, trying to understand what exactly he is saying. That he won't have sex with her again until she gives birth to their child? Is he mental or something? She takes a deep breath to calm herself, put on her blouse and decides to talk to him.

"My love, there's nothing wrong with me or the baby. And I'm one hundred percent sure that you won't hurt it even if you tried. Our baby is safe and sound for the next seven months. I can't guarantee that you state will be the same if you think that you won't have sex with me again during those months." She growled the last part from her frustration. 

Can understands what she's saying but he can't fathom the thought of something happening to them because of him. Despite his instinct he takes he in his arms saying "You know very well that I won't forgive myself if something goes wrong but I see what you're saying so I'll make you a deal."

Sanem tries to restrain herself from attacking him right this instant and she just waits for him to finish his thoughts.

"We will call the doctor tomorrow and we will ask him if and how we can have sex without injuring the baby or you and then-"

She stops him mid-sentence. "Tomorrow? You will call tomorrow? And what am I supposed to do today Can?" her voice raising an octave.

He has to admit that he got scared of her for a minute there but he hopes that he didn't show it. "Baby today we will have everyone here to celebrate the fact that our dream life, our dream is starting to take form. And I promise you that tomorrow the first thing I'll do the minute I'll wake up will be to call the doctor. Okay my only one?"

"Well since you can't do me that's the next best thing I suppose..." she can't believe she is saying those things. It's like another Sanem showed up. Must be the hormones she thinks while Can looks at her like a lost puppy.

She doesn't have it in her to see him like that so she hugs him really really tight while she tells him that she loves him so damn much. Can's is so confused. This is the Sanem he knew. Sweet, kind, caring. The one who was talking minutes ago about sex was someone else. He adds that to the things he would ask tomorrow. God knows what other surprises she has hidden for him in the near future. For now he decides that he will make this day memorable for her. She leaves to bed to have a shower before their guest arrive and he goes to the kitchen to prepare her the most amazing breakfast, full of vitamins and everything else she needs, she has ever had. At the end of the day she was, is and always will be by his side when he faces a problem. If he has to be patient and understanding, the rocks to her waves, for the next few months so be it. She is worth everything. 

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