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"Can?" the male voice from across the door says again.

"Do we know the guy?" Sanem says panting, trying to fix her dress as much as she can.

"I don't know... I mean his voice reminds me someone... Are you all set up?"


Can opens the door and a man she has never seen before walks in. Tall, blond, ripped but not like her husband. He hugs Can like an old friend.

"You don't remember me, do you?" the man says laughing.

"Hakan. How could I forget? How are you my friend? It's been a while..." Can says, something in his voice makes her think he's not that happy to see him.

"Five years at least pal. You've changed a lot!! And who's this fair lady? Hi I'm Hakan, Can's old friend from London." And that when Sanem understood why he wasn't thrilled to have his friend back.

"Sanem Aydin, co-owner of the company and a writer. Pleasure to meet you Mister Hakan." She says as she shakes his hand.

"Just Hakan is enough honey. What you two were doing locked up in here?"

"Finishing up after our meeting, not that it concerns you..." Can's voice filled with poison.

"My love I'm going to our office to get in contact with the company for some details. If you need me anything let me know." She kisses his lips waves goodbye and leaves the room.

"Look at you scoring like that..."

"She's my wife Hakan. I demand some respect when you speak about her." Can says angrily.

"Okay man, I didn't say anything... I thought it's a fling or something. I admire you for changing so much. I'm not that mature yet..."

"No I'm sorry. It was a rough meeting. Come, sit, tell me all about London."

* * * * * * 

Sanem spends the next two hours working on the details of her idea, talking on the phone with the VP of the company and finally finishing up.

Deren insist on driving her home to get some rest but she refuses, saying there are some more things to do before she can leave. She's alone, Can still in the conference room with Hakan when she hears a tap on the glass door.

"Hello. Are you Miss Sanem?" An extremely polite man with a suit stands in her door.

"Yes. And you are?"

"I'm Ihsan. The head of the marketing of the campaign you've just booked. I couldn't be there for the meeting, and I thought maybe we could talk now."

"Of course Mister Ihsan, please have a seat." They shake hands and start talking business.

"Your idea is indeed magnificent, but that's not the reason why I'm here."

"And why are you here then" she's curious of his answer.

"We want to set a different profile for our company, to show that we support women who are married, have children and work at the same time. To show that women can truly do much more things than men."

"I love the idea already. But I don't understand why you wanted to see me. You want me to change something in my script?"

"No my dear. I want you to be a part of this commercial. You are such a successful woman, a write the whole world knows. I want you to be the protagonist of our campaign!"

"That's really flattering, I'm honored that you thought of me but..."

"Baby? Are you ready?" She heard Can's voice saying.

"Hello Mister Divit. I'm Ihsan, Head of the marketing..."

"I know who you are Mister Ihsan. How are you? How can we help you?"

"Well your wife can help me a lot actually." Ihsan says politely.

"Can, they want me to be the main face of the campaign. But I'm not sure just yet."

They explain to him the idea they had and he seems genuinely thrilled. "Well it's your choice my love. I will support you no matter what you chose. As long as you are happy, I'm happy. You know that. "

"Mister Ihsan can I think about it and get back to you?"

"Of course Miss Sanem. I'll expect your answer anxiously."

* * * * * *

Next morning finds them lying in their bed discussing the offer.

"So you think I should do it? You have no issue with that?"

"Well it's not my answer they want, but if you ask me I think you should do it. It's for a really good cause. Plus the whole world will see what an amazing woman I have by my side. How I'm the luckiest man that has ever walked on this earth. You are unique my love. It's time for the world to see that." He kisses her and goes to prepare their breakfast.

She calls Deren, wanting to hear her opinion. She practically screams in her ear, wondering why she hasn't accepted the offer yet.

"Sanem, my dear Sanem, we need that kind of promotion not only for the campaign but for our company as well. You will accept it!" she says and closes the phone.

"Well, I guess I'm accepting it... Can we are doing the commercial." Sanem shouts as she walks to her kitchen.

* * * * * * 

She calls Mister Ihsan to inform him about her decision. Sanem and Can talk about the details as they wait for the director. Can will do the photo shooting while someone who they don't know yet will direct the commercial.

It's decided to do the first meeting here and then shooting two weeks from now so they will have time to find the rest of the inspirational women who will join Sanem.

"Hello again guys. I guess you are waiting for me" they hear Hakan's voice as they turn to face him. 

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