Ugh yay -_-

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So it's currently one in the morning and I have to go to school tomorrow.

I hate first days.

At least it's only a hour and I only have to wake up at ten but STILL.

I'm a little nervous because it's my first day of high school. And I'm not really sure what to do tbh.

Sooooo Ye.

I don't want to have more stress on me like ugh. Why does school exist? Like it's not like we will really EVER use any of this knowledge in the real world.

Is it really necessary?

And they tell us to eat healthy, sleep, get exercise.

But how do we do that when we are busy getting up in the morning, going to school, studying, doing homework, and getting STRESSED BECAUSE OF IT!!

I honestly didn't know I was this angry. I mean I'm not that acted I just don't want more stress I don't need that right now. No teenager does because they are already going through shit of their own.

It's not even my first day yet and I'm already getting a little stressed about it.


Well I just wanted to get that off my chest. And that's my little rant.

I just need a little emotional support but idk who to get it from.

I will still try to continue writing and try to finish my 'replaced' story that is taking me FOREVER.

I haven't worked on it for a while. It probably won't get many reads tbh tho.

Anyway, thanks for listening ( or Redding I guess) to my little rant.


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