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We were finally done shopping, I had like 10 bags. The others had less than 5. Well well miss Trisha was just strolling in.

She was with this dude that looked like a whole old man. She saw me looking and she pulled him in for kiss.

After they released she looked at me and smirked. I just rolled my eyes at her. She walked over to our table alone.

We was sitting down eating wings from the food court. "Hey y'all." She said, I just looked at her in disgust.

"That's what you thought you was gone show us out in." Keri pointed out while laughing. We all laughed.

"Bitch came in a shirt that came out of style since nineteenth." Jas said. We busted out into laughter.

"And don't forget that skirt, looks like it's been worn by her mom, aunts, sisters, cousins and grandma." Keri said as we doubled over in laughter.

Trisha stood there looking like she was about to cry. "Well anyway I think you should join our squad Milan." Keri said and they agreed.

"Yeah But amma be in two squads plus wassup with y'all and her now?" I asked pointing to Trisha.

"Well I just got some tea on her, she been a snake this whole time." Jas said. "Yep she's been and we supposed to tell Sheri." Keri said.

"So when was y'all gonna let me in on this?" Sheri asked. "When we met at your house but we saw that this bitch was there." Jas said.

"But y'all could've told me." Sheri said. "We was gonna but then Mi mi came in and I got carried away with her jokes." Keri said.

"I wasn't scared to tell you what she did in front of her we don't care what she says." Jas said. "Oh well let's just enjoy until." Sheri said.

"Well am a snake now? That's why I fucked Wayne and Corey." Trisha said referring to Sheri and Jas' boyfriends.

"Oh hell naw." Sheri said getting up, but Jas held her back. "What the fuck you bitch. I know you been a hoe from the jump." Sheri spat.

"Yeah that's one thing I was gone tell you but there's a lot more but I'll wait until whenever." Keri said.

"Well see you bitches." Trisha said walking away. "Oh wait." She said, turning around. She spit and it flew right in my food.

She swear she meant it for Sheri but hell naw, MY FOOD?! I got up with quickness and slapped her so hard it sounded off.

We got a few stares from the effect and Trisha held her face and cried. When she moved her hand, there was my handprint.

Yasss I did that shit. And I'm proud. This bitch been testing me from day one. I just couldn't take it anymore.

She ran away and I sat back down. "I'm about go buy me some more fo— Nah fuck that, that bitch made me loose my appetite." I said.

"Yeah let's get home she ruined my day." Jas said getting her bags up. We got everything and left out of the mall.


"Girl she slept with him the same night of the party." Keri said referring to Trisha and Wayne.

"Well ion care cause we ain't even dating anymore." Sheri said nonchalantly. "She was also mixed up in the club situation." Jas said.

"Remember we said if one of us can't make it we gone cancel? Well she decided to go with our enemies and dip on us." Keri said.

"She said she couldn't make it and then I got a text with a picture of her and the bitch Malia." She continued.

I was just sitting here listening to them go on and on about a stupid bitch. Jas' phone rang, she picked it up. "Wow Corey's ass." She said.

She still answered anyway so like what was that for? She got up and went somewhere private. Wow the same nigga that cheated on her.

My phone rang and I looked at the caller ID. "How the fuck this bitch got your number now?" Keri asked answering putting on speaker.

"What bitch?!" She asked. "I just wanted you to know that imma get you back and Jas for talking shit. Y'all won't get away." She said.

"Okay and? What's that supposed to mean?" I asked her. "I'll get y'all back. Simple." She said. "Okay I'll be waiting bitch." I hung up.

"Fuck she called you for? Wasn't she crying just now? like bitch go back to crying" Keri said and Sheri snickered.

"Guys Corey is about to come get me so yeah am about to leave." Jas said walking in. "That nigga didn't just cheat on you?" I asked.

"I forgave him." She said, sounding dumb as hell. "And with your ex friend at that." I said. "Yeah yeah things happen anyway bye." She said.

"Wait look." Sheri said getting up going to her. She played something and I heard me and Trisha's convo from just now.

"So she wants to beat us Mi mi?" Jas asked. "Yep." I nodded popping the p. "Oh I'll be waiting too." She said. "Same." I said.

She walked out and I locked the door behind her. "When you leaving?" Sheri asked Keri. "Soon, when my momma gets here."

"Nooo, don't leave me just yet stay for a hour more." Sheri begged. "Aight okay." Keri said. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a soda.

I told them goodbye and I was out for the day. I got to my room. Finished my soda and plopped on my bed.

After a few minutes of tv, I took a shower. After I got dressed for bed and laid down. I put my phone on the charger and drifted off to sleep.

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