My Morning sickness is unawear that it's 5:26pm!

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A/N  Sorry for the late update.

Cammie Pov

It has been two months since Catherine took me in. That means i'm two months pregnant and my baby bump is beginning to show.

This means that I should know who the baby's father is but as no one wishes to tell me, I'm left to guessing. I've attempted at asking but every time I'm told that I must behave. So, I am as of yet to find out the baby's origins.

As I was thinking of Zach and the baby I couldn't help but look up at the camera set up in my room. It helps to know that he is always there.

Just as I was thinking of Zach a knocking came from somewhere nearby. As I looked around I realized that the noises was from a door, that was hidden nicely with brick decorations, to blend in.

Since when did I have a door ?

Since when did anybody knock?

Now that I think about it, when did I get flannel pjamma's?

All these questions raced through my mind before I realized that someone was stood nearby. I turned to see Catherine and feel a smile creep on my face.

"Cammie, how do you feel? " Catherine asked with a smile.

"I'm fine thank -" I was cut of by a feeling that made my words a lie in them-selves.

I stood from my bed to race to the bathroom; that I didn't know I had.I had been in this room for two months and every time I found I needed to go to the bathroom, it was in my room but time and time again, I didn't register this fact. However, at this moment in time I couldn't feel the urge to wander how I didn't know this.

My feet felt cold against the floor as I made my way to the bathroom. I slowed down, to stop from colliding into any object and sat at the toilet. My throat burned and my head ached as I threw up the contents of my dinner.

A figure sat by me rubbing my back. As my throat started to take in breath, I stood to walk back over to my bed.

"It must of been morning sickness " Catherine spoke quietly, as if to process it all.

I walked back to my bed and spotted a clock. There was two things that scared me about the clock being in my room

1) I hadn't seen it once in my two month stay

2) The time read 5:26pm

"Catherine, it couldn't of been morning sickness. The clock says its 5:26pm, so it ca-"


A/N If your wandering why there was a sudden stop, all will be uncovered in the next chapter. However, as I am updating five/six chapters at once; there's not long to wait!

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