Time to tell- Chapter Ten

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Cammie Pov

I lay quite and still in my bed. It was strange to call it 'my' bed, when truthfully it was just a spear room in the teachers quarters. The bed was soft and comforting, unlike the cold floor I found my self to be upon the night before. I had no recollection of when or how I got bed, but I felt safer up in the cold and damp room. The pigeon room had no bed and was cold and damp, but it didn't bring back any memories of my two weeks with my kidnappers.

I slowly rose, trying to be quiet as a went. The girls and I weren't sleeping in the same room but were only next door, so I was quiet not to wake them. All three girls were together as I was alone; it felt safer that way. My internal clock said it was 5:00. As I walked into the bathroom I couldn't help but look at my reflection. My hair was mattered, eyes dark and my face creased with worry.

After going to the bathroom, I walked to my closet to get something to wear. I was going to wear something baggy and unattractive but with Macey as a friend that wasn't going to happen.I involuntarily put my tank top, shorts and a simple jacket on. I hovered over the door feeling awkward in the clothes I was wearing.

" Cammie get it together, get it together" I chanted to myself. I slowly opened the door to see Bex, Macey and Liz walking past. This shocked me as Bex isn't one for getting up. It used to be the other way around but sleeping was the least of my worries.

" Hi... Your up early"

"Cammie, it's 9:00. I wouldn't exactly call that early." Macey said with sarcasm in her voice.

" Oh... I thought it was 5:15. I've just got changed and I swear it felt like it was 5:00 when I got up."

There was an awkward silence, and we all knew I don't take four hours to get changed. As we walked down the grand staircase I couldn't help but feel...confused about the pregnancy. Liz, Bex and Macey were rambling on about something that I couldn't be bothered listening to, until Liz said:

" Me and Jonas were talking about having a baby!" You could here the excitement in her voice which just lead me to think about what Zach had said about children. I just drifted at that moment and forgot to breath. Soon I was gasping for air. It wouldn't help though because I was blacking out. Big circles started to appear, and I couldn't do anything to stop them.

I slowly opened my eyes to see everyone looking at me, and when is say everyone I mean EVERYONE! All my best friends, Mum, Mr Solomon, Zach, the teachers and serial students. I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable with everyone staring at me. I was lay out side the Grand Hall, where I guess I blacked out ( next time it might help to know were you going). I slowly rose and everyone's gaze widened.

" What happened?" I acted like I didn't know what was going on, when truthfully I knew far to well.

" You seemed to of passed out, possibly from lack of food. You haven't eaten much in days" I nodded my head as Mr Solomon came up with a reasonable explanation. Truthfully i'm not all that hungry and it was the fact that Liz was talking about baby's that caused me to blackout.

" Well then I better get something to eat."

"Cammie do you want to eat it in my office. We can have a talk." My mum offered, and that meant that it was the perfect time to tell her about the baby in private.

" That would be great" I responded.

Zach Pov

Cammie had blacked out,while Liz was trying methods to get her to come out of her state, I was just staring at her wide eyed. She finally woke to ask:

 " What happened?"

" You seemed to of passed out, possibly from lack of food. You haven't eaten much in days" Mr Solomon responded like this happened often but you could here the question in his voice. Cammie however didn't seem to here this.

" Well then I better get something to eat."

"Cammie do you want to eat it in my office. We can have a talk."  That was it. Cammie would tell her mum about the baby now. All I had to do was act like I didn't know.

" That would be great" Cammie quickly responded with a glint of joy in her eyes.

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