My secrets- Chapter Eleven

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I was sat in my mum's office looking down at my food. It looked tempting but no matter how much food I stuffed in my mouth, I woudn't be able to escape to inevitable.

"Mum?" I looked up to see my mum sat with wide eyes across from me.

" Yes kiddo"

" Why did you ask if i could come to your office?" OK. I know. I'm putting it of. Oh well!

I thought we could talk" Was her answer... Well sort of . After all she hadn't said what about.

" Mum. I need to tell you something." Here I go. Deep breaths.

" Cammie. What is it" She sounded worried. I think I was getting to the point of hyperventilating.

" Mum...I...I'm" Deep breaths. Deep breaths. " Mum I think i'm ... I think i'm... I think i'm pregnant!" I had to blurt out the last part. I took a long look at mum.

" Cammie. Have told Zach?"

" No, I wanted you to know first" It was the truth but I still needed to tell her about the farther. That could be quite hard howeverr as I for one would like to know who the farther was.

"Cammie I'm so happy for you!" With that I was nearly falling of my chair. She was happy. She lept to her feet and hugged me.

" Cammie, when did you find out? What about a baby shower? What will you call it? Is it a girl or a boy? What will Zach-"

" It might not be Zach's!" I screamed. She was rambling and I couldn't keep it in anymore.

"Cammie, what do you mean it might not be Zach's?" She spoke slowly. She didn't know what happened to me when I got kidnapped. It was classified after all.

" Mum when I got kidnapped...they...they did things to me" I started to sob. I couldn't tell her what happened. I guess she worked it out because she came over to me. She started wrapping her arms around my frail body.

" It's okay Cammie. I'm here." I lay in my mums arms for what felt like hours untill mum told me something I didn't need to here.

" Sweetheart, I know it's hard but you need to tell Zach. He doesn't need to know about everything else, but you need to tell him your pregnant. If there's even a slight suspection it's Zach's you need to tell him."

Why! OK! I knew it was coming.

"Is there a chance it's Zach's" I didn't want to tell her I didn't know, like I had with the director.

" I guess.When should I tell him."

"We could tell them tonight. I'll come with you." Great. I have around four hours to mentally get my mind into a calm state. I nodded my head dumbfound. At least I have my mum there.

" Do you think Zach will be angry?"

"About the baby, never. As for the other thing, I don't know."

" When he found out about Mr Townson being his dad, he said he will never want kids" It had been in the back of my mind, and it felt better to let it out.

Mum didn't answer, but I still new I would need to tell him.

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