What next?-Chapter two

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A/N Sorry about the missing words in the last chapter. Promise this one will make more sense.

Would you really blame me if I didn’t want to trust this freak?

After all, he had held me captive for two weeks (FOR NO REASON!) and then decided to let me go. Even if you’re a normal twenty-one year old you would find this crazy; but then if you’re a spy you know there is going to be a big “but” coming up!

I was soon transported by a truck of some kind but couldn’t tell which direction I was going in (as I was drugged in some way; I’m a spy; I’m not just going to voluntarily fall asleep). I was soon ditched at some homeless shelter in the United Kingdom.

Great I was going to have to find some way over the border to the United States. As a spy I was soon coming up with ideas to get over the border with a false identity and some pore persons luggage.

As I looked around the homeless shelter I realized that was going to be harder than I thought as clearly no one had any luggage or clothes of any type.

“Oh hello!” Oh great a little lady in her 6os was walking at a tremendously fast speed towards myself and the door I was stood next to. I didn’t know whether to dodge out the way, but decided I better not.

“You must be knew here, I’m Macey-“Her name was Macey, it had been a while since I’d thought about Macey and suddenly felt ashamed. “and I’m here to help you. This must be a hard time for you so I’m here to help.” I wanted to scream that I wasn’t homeless but thought that truthfully that’s a bit rude and honestly I did look like I had just walked out of a bin.

“Um….Hi I’m….Kate.” I knew not to use my real name as that would be against my training.

“Well nice to meet you, I’ll show you to your room….If you’re staying” She looked at me questionably and I knew I looked like someone who defiantly DIDN’T want to be there.

“Yes, I am very glad I found such a place to stay” I lied smoothly as I knew it was not safe for me to be staying here too long.

“Right this way” She directed me past other people who were lost- like me- to the end of the corridor on the second floor. She opened the door, directing me inside.

“Food will be ready in half an hour so you have got time to freshen up. The bathroom is just through this door and there are some clothes in the closet. If you need anything else, just ask.”

I didn’t hesitate to ask “Actually do you have a phone I can use?”

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