The sleeping beauty's kiss

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A/N I apologies for not updating because no matter how many lame excuses I throw at you, it just won't be enough. I feel like i've let my readers down along with myself. Therefor this is an  long update  done in one go that is bound to have flaws. I'm so sorry if some points don't make sense, it's just been a long time since I updated and read the books: so without further ado...

Liz's Pov

I was sat in the Library with my laptop placed on my lap, trying to come to terms with the whole Cammie fiasco. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't get a location on Cammie. It was like every time I got a suitable lock on a place, the server from the live video cam bounced somewhere else. The blank screen a constant reminder that no matter how hard I tried, I wasn't good enough.

A sudden ding alerted me to a new email. As the e-mail popped up on my screen to the browser I couldn't help but gasp. There, in the IP address from the sender was the same code that was written everywhere on the live video cam. I suddenly became weary as I slowly moved my hand to the mouse, hesitantly making my way on the screen to the tab which will open the message.

As I clicked to open it, I was suddenly face with bold writing.

Dear, sweet Elizabeth,

I hope I didn't intrude on any latest discovery's -though I doubt it- to Cammie's where-a-bouts. I do however hope that this letter will interest you.

Now before you read any further you must make sure that no-one else is near by and if you show any other person this e-mail, rest assured that your dearest Cammie will not live long.


Now, I wish to allow you to see Cammie. She's doing well, as you know from the live video cam, but I thought that she might want some visitors, seen as she will pop any day now. How about it. You get to see your friend and you can even talk about baby names! Personally, I think it will be a great surprise for the both of you to find out what her little of-springs will be.

I read on from there, getting instructions to walk down to a local cafe in the town, where I will be picked up. However, through the whole email I couldn't help but wonder what she meant by of-springs instead on ofspring's. Typo, I guessed. But the one thing to worry about now was how I was going to get out of the academy without anyone noticing and weather I should go, despite Catherine's warning that Cammie will be tortured greatly if I did. With that I started making a plan to get out of the academy un-noticed...

Bex's POV

I sat in mine, Cammie's, Liz's and Macey's old room. Unlike the rest of us, Macey was shipped back to work because of some princess assassination and her boss threatened her job if she didn't come back from temporary leave. She didn't go quietly, that's for sure and I think that at the end of her outburst it was her boss who was the most scared of the threats put in place. I sighed, thinking about Macey.

The screen displayed Cammie in her room: in her room, resting, pacing, eating , sleeping. I suddenly thought about her child. Cammie should be around nine months pregnant but still looked four. The sudden occurrence had me on high alert. Why would her bump be so small? I'm not an expert on pregnancy's but we did once have a class where we found out how to look in certain month's of pregnancy's for under-cover op's.

I took in the way that Cammie scanned the books on the self and brushed her fingers on the binds of the books, lingering on the middle. Cammie did the exact same thing a week ago when I came to give Zack his food and I took a look at the screen. That idiot must of not realized that they were just total repeats the whole time! That must be the reason why Liz can' get a hole on Cammie's location.

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