Chapter 15

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Welly was confused and rather shocked to hear the news. Was she dead? Did she really die? She looked at the Eye who stared, solemnly at the ground. 

"How am I talking to you then?" She questioned him. 

"Because I brought you back to life." He mumbled. 

"What do you mean?"

The Eye's lilac eyes weren't menacing anymore. They were sad, almost like puppy dog eyes as they stared directly at her. He was hiding something. Something that was breaking him apart. Was he evil just to be evil? Or, is it something else?

"When you were young, you were attacked by the Eye element itself, in this very woods."

Welly thought of the strange dream she had a couple nighs before. She saw a girl in the dream...

"I tried to save you, but he was quick, and he killed you right away. It is still trapped in you right now, however it can't escape from you...unless."

"Unless what." Welly was struggling to take all of the information in. How is it possible for her to be dead? It made no sense. She  rubbed her hands nervously, waiting for the Eye to state the answer. The Eye swiftly turned away from her gaze and left the room, encasing Welly in total darkness...

In his room, the Eye sat in his large chair, staring, somberly out the large window. He couldn't tell her. There was no way she could take it ever so lightly. Such a shame, he though. Looking out the window, images of little 5 year old Welly flooded back to the black demon.

"Help me!" her cries rang loud and clear through his ear. "He's got me!"

The Eye screamed and fled from his chair, knocking it over in the process. 

"No!" He bellowed. "She is nothing to me, nothing at all."

He gripped his red cape twisting it sadly with his fingers. Was that true? Was Welly truly nothing to him? It was heart breaking  to him, not being able to save the poor girl so many years ago.

"No matter." he said, marching his way toward the double doors that locked him in his room.

"Time to save her, once again."

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