Chapter 5

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Welly woke up the next morning, sweat drenching her entire body. She stared at her wrists in shock. Red markings lined her hands and arms. It was like she was whipped, or beaten. Or...tied up. Welly reached for her phone and searched around it for the 'camera app', her portable mirror. Once she was on, Welly stared at her self in the phone camera. A baggy eyed, messy-haired girl stared back at her. But something else was seen in the camera/mirror. Welly saw red writing covering he wall behind her. She turned around and walked over to the wall. As she inched towards it, the stench of blood filled her nostrils, The message was written backwards. Welly held up her cellphone to the message and snapped a picture. The blood message read in sloppy cursive:

Are you scared yet?

Welly glared at the message. "No, I am not." She snapped slamming her phone down on the bed in anger.

Frustrated, Welly decided to get dress. At least that way, she could focus on something else other than the horror movie she was living in. Someone banged on her door just as she was stripping off her shirt. Quickly, she put it back on and ran to the door. Coby smiled at her, his hair a brown mess on his head.

"Hi Coby." Welly grinned. "Good to see you."

"Good to see you to Llewellyn, but something dreadful happened last night.

"Wha- , What do you mean?"

" Three more counselors were found dead this morning. The scary part is that they were killed in the same way as the others."

Welly sat down on her bed, distraught and confused. This was just crazy now. Ever since she came, she noticed more and more paranormal happenings even though she never believes in that stuff. First the voices in her head now more homicides? What the hell is going on?

"Let's go to Janice and see how she is doing. But I need to change now." She said

Coby smiled.


Welly was about to take off her shirt when she realized that Coby was here. No need to get dirty with him.

"Coby do you mind?" She said, making a turning motion with her pointer finger.

"Oops sorry." He appologized and turned his body around.

Coby looked straight at the blood written wall, and asked if Welly noticed. Welly replied yes and the conversation ended there. Off the corner of his eye, Coby saw a black blosh on Welly's back. He turned around and stared wide eyed at her back. On Welly's back was a giant tattoo of an eye.

"Did you get f*cking tattoo?" He screamed at Welly.

"No." she replied. "Why?"

Coby fummbled around his pocket for his phone. He pulled it out and quickly snapped a picture of Welly's back. Horrorfied, he handed his phone to Welly. Welly screamed. The pictures showed a black, detailed eye surrounded by sparkles on her back.

"Did you get a f*cking tattoo?" Coby repeated.


"How do I know you aren't lying to me?"

"Do I ever lie to you?"



Out of breath from screaming so much, Welly collapsed on the bed and started at the ceiling.

"Can you at least put on a shirt." Coby said closing his eyes and holding out one of Welly's shirts. Well laughed, grabbed the shirt and pulled it on.

"Better?" She grinned as Coby opened his eyes.


Welly slipped off the bed, her mind still stuck on that tattoo on her back. Could it mean something? Was it part of that power thingy from the dream last night?

"Don't tell anyone about it, ok?" She hissed at Coby

Coby nodded as they both left the cabin.

Welly and Coby came up to Janice and Eric, their faces filled with sadness.

"I know this has happened before and it was frightening and sad." Eric said. "Bu- But I have no real words to describe what happened today."

"Neither do we." Coby said. Welly looked down at the dirt floor, worried she would say anything at all about her tattoo. Who knows what could happen if she tells anyone. Off the corner of her eye she though she saw a figure walking towards her. But one she looked up, it was gone.

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