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Ariel POV

He dumped her? I knew he would be mad but definitely not that mad.

I ran to the basement and went to the little clubhouse that I discovered with Carson and Eric. I convinced them to help me move a mini freezer down there and it was where I kept my secret stash of Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream. I grabbed three tubs and some spoons and took it all into the TV room where I had blankets and pillows.

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and I knew it was Clarissa. She came over to me and started crying again. I pulled her into a hug and let her cry. When she was done, we went to the couch and opened the ice cream. "You wanna tell me what happened?" I asked nicely.

She hesitated. "Umm...he got mad because I wouldn't show him the text. And then he thought I was cheating, so he said he wasn't my boyfriend anymore."

My jaw dropped. How could the sweet Spencer that always knew just what to say to make Clarissa smile, say that to her?

"Clarissa...I don't know what to say." I told her. "I'll get over it. I just can't believe he said it so nonchalantly and chill." She muttered with a face full of ice cream.

"Why don't we call Keira and invite her over. She's having some issues of her own." I pointed out. She nodded and pulled out her phone to call Keira.

She was over in like 5 minutes ad Clarissa told her everything. "That jerk!" Keira shouted, angrily. "Don't worry about it Kee. I'll be fine." Clarissa said quietly. "So what's this that Ari tells me about you having boy issues? Because I will not hesitate to beat him up." She added with a snarl.

"No no it's nothing like that. It's Travis's mom. She hates me! And I don't know why!" Keira said.

"I'm sure she doesn't hate you. You're unhateable!!" Clarissa exclaimed. "Have you talked to Travis about it?" She added afterwards.

"Ya. He said he would talk to her and see. But whatever. I don't wanna talk about it." Keira stated. "So Ariel. Have you talked to Eric lately?"

My eyes widened slightly. "Oh my goodness no! I've been so caught up with Carson and you guys that I totally forgot about him!" I exclaimed, suddenly feeling like a bad sister.

"Let's FaceTime him!" Keira suggested. "Ya it's weird not having him around." Clarissa added.

I grabbed my iPad and called Eric. After a few rings he answered.

"Hey Princess!" He cheered.

"Hey Carson!" We said in sync.

"Oh Clarissa! Keira! I didn't see you guys! How are you?" He asked. Clarissa looked down and Keira kinda glanced to the side. Meanwhile I was making the stop motion by sliding my hand across my neck. He nodded in understanding and changed the subject. He filled us in on college life for a bit before he had to go.

"Slap me if I'm wrong...but did he get cuter since the summer?" Clarissa asked. I grabbed a pillow and whacked her with it. "Hey hey hey...she isn't completely wrong." Keira defended. My jaw dropped. "You have a boyfriend! And you will have a boyfriend again in like a week when he comes to his senses and begs you to take him back!" I scolded my two friends.

They giggled and I sighed. "I'm not saying I like him, but he's a handsome guy! Ew I would never date him!" Clarissa shouted. Keira nodded in agreement and her phone lit up.

"It's Travis." She told us before answering.

"Hello?...Hey Travy...I don't think so why?...She does?...Okay!...6:00? Should be fine...Okay, see you later then. Bye!" Was the side of the phone call we heard.

"Apparently his mom invited me over for dinner." She told us, looking kinda shocked. "Well then it's time to get you ready!" Clarissa and I cheered.

I texted my mom telling her I was going to Keira's house and then we set off to go help Keira get ready.


"No no no! Wear the pink!" I argued. "No the purple!" Clarissa fought back. "For Pete's sake! I told you guys I'm not wearing a dress! I'm wearing my black tshirt and my blue high waisted skirt!" Keira interrupted. "Fine..." The two of us mumbled.

We helped her accessorize and then it was 5:45. "Okay guys I should go!" She smiled. We walked out with her and she headed home and promised to call us after while Clarissa and I went back to her house.

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