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I had been up in my room doing homework for about an hour when I heard the doorbell ring. Dad's at work, mom's grocery shopping and Eric is a lazy butt who never answers the door.

So basically I have to go down and get the door. I ran down the stairs and opened the door to become face to face with Carson. "Oh hey Ari." He greeted. "Hey Carson. Eric's in the basement." I said, stepping aside. "Great thanks!" He said. I went back up to my room and I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, going down the hall and into Eric's room, with the door closing behind them.

I didn't really hear them after that which was good because I was in the middle of studying. But soon the silence broke. "Let's go ask my sister then!" Eric stated loud enough for me to hear. About 6 seconds later my door swung open and they came in and both sat down on my bed. "Please, come in." I said sarcastically.

"Sorry Ariel we need your advice." Eric apologized. "No no no WE don't need her help. I am perfectly fine with my plan." Carson argued. "No your plan sucks." Eric simply said. "No it doesn't I thi-" "Okay!" I screamed, cutting Carson off. "What's your plan and why do you think it sucks?" I said pointing to Carson and then Eric. "I think that Carson should ask out the girl he likes tomorrow and he thinks he should wait a couple of weeks." Eric explained. "Okay Carson. Why do you think you should wait?" I asked. "To make sure she likes me." He mumbled quietly.

"Carson if you think she likes you now then go for it. Waiting will just be a burden on you. Trust me, it's hard liking someone, hanging out with them and them not knowing how you feel." I said trying not to look down at my feet.

"Awww. Does our little princess have a crush on one of her friends?" Eric cooed, grabbing me off my desk chair bridal style and plopping me on the bed between himself and his friend.

"Let's see you're friends with...dude do you even have friends that are boys?" Eric asked while Carson sat there looking amused. "What about that Douglas guy she had over once?" Carson pointed out. I groaned. "Ew guys that was for a project! He picks his nose in class and then wipes it on the desk. And I swear one time he ate an eraser." Carson fake gagged and Eric had the funniest disgusted look on his face. "Okay so not that guy..." Carson trailed off.

Eric leaned over and whispered something in Carson's ear. They nodded and each other and Eric jumped on top of me while Carson started frantically searching the room.

"Eric! Eric get off!!" I shouted I while trying to push my brother off of me. "I found it!" Carson cheered. I turned around to see him holding my phone. "Aww crap Eric she has a password." Carson sighed. "Numbers or letters?" "Letters."

"Go to her laptop and search The Little Mermaid release date." Eric instructed. Carson turned to my computer and started typing. "November 17, 1989!" He said. "Try it!" Eric commanded.

I had to hand it to Eric. He knew me pretty well.

"It didn't work Er." Carson said.

But not well enough. "Hey Carson? Can I have my phone now?" He tossed it to me and Eric rolled off. "Oh well. We can just ask Clarissa and Keira tomorrow who you like." Eric smirked. "Oh ya because they're just going to spill to my brother and his best friend." I replied.

They left my room and I unlocked my phone. 111789. November 17, 1989. I smiled to myself and texted Clarissa and Keira that no matter what they do not tell Eric or Carson who I like or they both die.


The next day at school Eric and Carson came with me to my locker, where they said they were sure my friends would show up. Sure enough, Clarissa came down the hall to meet me so we could head off to class.

"Hey Clarissa how are you this morning?" Eric asked nicely, wrapping his arm around her in the process. "I'm fine Eric what do you want?" She laughed while taking his arm off of her. "I think since you're my sisters best friend and all we should share secrets. Maybe Ariel's secrets. I'll go first. When she was 4, we all went to the zoo and-" "Okay! Well that was fun!" I interrupted. "But we really have to go! Thanks for stopping by!"

I grabbed Clarissa and dragged her down the hall. "What was that all about?" Clarissa asked. "Don't ask." I sighed. She laughed and we entered the classroom, sitting down at our desks.


The morning went by like normal and I went with my friends to eat. About midway through lunch we heard a giant awwww and the three of us turned around to see Carson on one knee holding a flower. In front of him, was the girl I'd convinced him to ask out today, with a huge smile on her face and my stomach dropped. What the hell did I just get him into?

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