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"Oh my god, Ariel, you're so embarrassing!" Keira laughed as we exited the ice cream shop. "Well it's your fault for daring me!" I retorted. "I didn't think you would do it!" She said back, still laughing.

After Keira told me everything, I suggested that we play truth or dare to get our minds off of things. Keira had just dared me to go into the ice cream shop, order something, do the Macarena while I waited and then hit my ice cream to the ground and strut out, while she watched from outside.

We both laughed until I finally managed to compose myself. "Okay. Truth or dare?" I asked Keira. Without thinking, she said dare right away. "Okay, I dare you to run around that lamppost yelling 'I lost my voice! Someone please help me find it!' For three minutes or until someone says something to you." I said after thinking for a bit.

She gave me a weird look but sighed and said okay. I took a seat on the bench nearby and wished for some popcorn. I watched in delight as my friend ran around the lamppost, asking people to help her find her lost voice. Finally after two and a half minutes, an old lady pulled her aside.

I was too far away to hear what she said but when she walked away Keira sat on the ground and started laughing. "What did she say to you?" I asked once I had jogged over. "She said, 'Sweetheart, is there supposed to be someone with you? Because if you want to go and sit still on that nice bench over there, I can go find that person for you.' I tried to tell her that I was fine and it was just a dare from my friend, but she didn't buy it and now she's looking for someone that's supposed to be with me." She laughed.

I laughed with her and felt bad for the old lady. We decided we had had enough of public humiliation, and we went back to my house to hang out.

We got inside and went downstairs to Eric's video game room that had a massive TV. That he spent his own money on. Because apparently, it's worth it to watch sports on and shoot zombies on. I don't know. "Movies?" I asked her. She nodded and I got Netflix booted up.

"What do you want to watch?" I asked, flicking through the categories. "I think a comedy could work for both of us right now." Keira admitted. We ended up choosing Neighbors because it's funny...and Zac Efron. We cuddled up on the couch and I pressed play.


I woke up in the morning and frowned. I was starting Grade 12 today. I got out of bed and made my way to the shower. Once I was done, I blow dried my hair and straightened it. Then I threw on a pair of black high-waisted leggings, a blue crop top and a green cardigan. After eating a quick breakfast, I said goodbye to my parents and left my Mazda 3 that Carson, the Matthews family, Clarissa, Keira, Evelyn and Daniel, Eric and my parents all chipped in on for my birthday and Christmas present combined.

I pulled into the parking lot and stepped out. It felt weird to arrive here with out Eric. I walked inside and went to my locker where I saw a guy leaned up against it. "Excuse me? Can you move over?" I asked nicely.

"Ariel Waters. I've been waiting for you." He said. I gave him a confused look and he spoke up. "I'm Jackson." He said. Well good for you, you know your name. "Well, obviously you know my name. What can I do for you?" I asked, getting slightly irritated. "Well, since that Carson guy is gone, I finally have a chance with you." Jackson said to me with a smile.

"Okay. I have two things to say to that. First, I was single in grades 9 and 10 and a bit of 11. And second, just because Carson isn't here, doesn't mean we aren't together." I pointed out.

"Look Ari, you're hot. And if you ever change your mind about Carson, let me know." He said before winking and walking away. I stood there in shock, and dropped my purse off in my locker before shaking it off and heading over to my first class, science.

After a long day of teachers introducing their course, I was finally allowed to go home. When I got there I decided to Skype chat Carson.

"Heyyy Car!" I chirped once my boyfriend accepted my Skype video chat. "Hey Princess, how was today?" He asked, smiling at me. "It was pretty good. I had a guy hit on me this morning...which reminds me. I've been doing a lot of thinking about this long distance thing and I'm not too sure if I'll be able to do it. I think we should take a break and date other people who we live closer too..." I trailed off.

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