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After talking to Carson's parents everything was settled. We were up in his room cuddling in silence until my phone had to ruin it.

I reached over and saw that Clarissa was texting me. "Oh my god..." I mumbled as I unlocked my screen. "What?" Carson asked, leaving over. "She just sent me 23 texts in less than a minute." I laughed.

They were all along the lines of "where are you?" "are you dead?" "OMG why aren't you answering me?"

I sent her a selfie of Carson and I making weird faces and typed I'm busy tonight I'll call you tomorrow. She sent some things that would not be appropriate for young children to read or hear and then said goodnight. I laughed and put my phone on silent.

"So. About me leaving." He began once I was comfortable. "I don't want you to be upset. I promise I will call you everyday and if you're ever sad and need me, just call and I'll be there. Even if you just need someone to talk to. It will be the same, there will just be distance between us." He explained.

"Carson I know that you care about me I just don't know how I feel about a long distance relationship!" I mumbled, getting upset. "Look baby, I know it will be hard, but I promise we will get through it. You're so strong and I just want you to know that I love you." He told me staring into my eyes.

I was speechless for a couple seconds. He loves me? I so badly wanted to tell him the same thing, I just didn't know if I would be telling the truth or not.

"Ari, sweetie, don't stress. I told you because I wanted you to know. Not because I wanted you to say it back. Tell me when you're ready. Tell me when you mean it. Okay?" he reassured me.

My heart warmed at this as he kissed the top of my head. I whispered a small thank you and he wrapped his arms around me. I don't know when I fell asleep, but I remember being warm and happy.


I woke up the next morning, still trapped in my boyfriends embrace. I lay there for a bit until I realized I should go down and help with breakfast. I quietly crept out of it and made my way downstairs where I smelt pancakes and heard Cathryn and Mira talking.

"...a great daughter in about 5 to 10 years time." "I already love her like a sister so I don't really care when the wedding is!" "We know he loves her because she's all he's been talking about since he was 10, but do you think she loves him back?" "Whether she realizes it or not, she does. I can tell by so many things. The way she acts around him, the way her eyes light up when we talk about him. I knew she loves him. I just don't know if she knows."

I took the moment after Cathryn's words of wisdom to think on the staircase. Maybe I do love him? I mean, everything she said is true.

I shook my head and decided this would be a better debate to have at home, so I gathered myself and headed into he kitchen.

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