Dust and Shadows

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Toni followed arc and Jace into the infirmary and stayed till the doctor said she was alright.

"Sorry, I threw a dagger at you."

Izzy smiled weakly, "It's okay, not like you had another choice." She stood up and winced.

"You okay?"

She nodded, "Yeah, it's jut sore."

"I think I have something that could help with the pain." Toni grabbed Izzy's uninjured arm and led the way to her room.

They entered the room, Toni closed the door behind her before rushing over to the night stand by her bed, digging through it until she found what she needed.

She walked over to Izzy with a jewelry box in hand.

Izzy questionably looked at the box, "How is jewelry going to help?" The blonde opened the box to the Izzy see, once she saw she gasped, "Marijuana."

Toni nodded, "Magnus have it to me when I broke my toe and had to keep dancing... I also have tequila."

The blonde was shaken awake but she was tired and kept falling asleep.

"Mommy." Ripley whined while shaking Toni before she threw up.

Toni had finally registered what was happening and shot upright and saw her daughter had throw up on Izzy. She looked down and realized she was only in her bra and underwear. Putting that issue on the back burner for the moment, she grabbed Ripley and carried her into her bathroom. Started the bath and stripped her clothes off  before setting her down.

She turned the water off and kissed Ripley's head, "Babes, don't lay down yet, okay. I need to wake Izzy up." Once Ripley nodded Toni rushed out of the bathroom and over to Izzy, shaking her, "Izzy, Izzy. Wake up," she started to stir, "Izzy, wake up."

Izzy opened her eyes, "What happened?" She asked groggily.

"We got cross faded."

Izzy looked down at herself and noticed she too was only in her bra and underwear, "Where are my clothes?"

Toni shrugged, "I don't know but Ripley's sick and she threw up all over you." She motioned to her hair, shoulder and chest.

"Mommy!" She cried out from the bathroom.

Toni gave Izzy an apologetic look before running back into the bathroom.

Toni had taken Ripley down to the infirmary where she was told she had an ear infection, they also took Ripley's cast off much to her joy. Ripley was fast asleep when Toni was called down to the Ops center for a briefing.

Toni spotted Izzy and went over to her, "About last night..."

Izzy shook her head, "Don't worry about it, it was a mistake. Already forgotten."

"Uh, I just came over here to apologize for my daughter throwing up on you.

Izzy finally looked at Toni, "Oh, thanks

Toni scoffed, "Yeah, Whatever."

Toni focused back on Aldertree's speech, "....has exonerated him from all crimes. And the chief physician in Idris reports that Lydia Branwell's condition continues to improve."

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