Parabatai Lost

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Toni paced nervously at the elevators as she waited for Magnus to arrive. The ding from the elevator cause her to stop, the doors opened revealing Magnus.

"Good, you're here," she grabbed his hand basically dragging him towards Alec's room, "It's bad, Magnus."

"Don't worry cupcake, I'll try my best." They enter the room and he starts using his magic.

"It's not working." Izzy said.

Magnus grunted, "I'm sorry, Isabelle. Parabatai bonds are like a tether that binds two souls. Jace and Alec share emotions, instincts, strength. It's an angelic bond. My magic can only do so much."

"So Jace is like this, too?" Izzy asked.

"Not necessarily. It appears that when Alec called out to him, part of his soul never returned. Now he's stuck, lost somewhere between himself and his parabatai."

"What if we get Jace to bring back that missing piece of his soul..." Toni suggested.

"We may very well have the cure. Whatever we do, we need to do it quickly." Magnus said.

"Stay with Alec," Izzy looked between Toni and Magnus, "I'll go find Jace." She stands and walked out of the room.

Toni abruptly stood and followed after Izzy, "Izzy!" Toni called after her.

Izzy stopped in her tracks and turned towards Toni, "What are you doing? You're supposed to stay with Alec and Magnus."

Toni shook her head, "I'm coming with you."

"No, you have to–"

"Well find Jace faster if it's the two of us." Toni said.

Izzy nodded reluctantly, knowing they were wasting time standing around, "Fine, what about Ripley?"

Groaning, she mentally slapped herself for forgetting about her daughter, "Uh, right. Don't you guys have some kind of Shadowhunter nanny here?" Izzy shook her head. Toni couldn't leave Ripley by herself. Or with Magnus because he was too busy with Alec, "Hey, you." Toni called over a girl who had a tablet in her hands, "Do you know CPR?"

"Yes," the girl answered.

"How good are you at fighting?"

"I think I'm good."

"That sounded like a questions. Was that a question or an answer?" Toni asked.

"An answer."

"Good. Now go to my room and watch my daughter."

"But Aldertree said–"

"I don't care what he said, just go. Please. And if you get in trouble just tell him I told you to." Toni watched as the girl walks in the direction of her room before turning back toward Izzy with a smile, "There, problem solved."

They were headed for the door, when a voice called after them, "Toni! Izzy!"


"What happened?"

Clary grabbed hold of both of them, dragging them toward a secluded area of the training room and told them about everything that happened from being kidnapped by Dot to lying to Aldertree about it.

"I can't believe you lied to Aldertree." Izzy said in disbelief.

"I couldn't let him go after Jace like he did before." Clary said.

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