A Door Into the Dark

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"Why did you aim for the arrow? What if you missed and it hit Jace?" Clary whined as her, Toni, Simon, and Jocelyn entered The Institution .

Toni huffed in annoyance, her patients was wearing thin, "It was either shooting the arrow your trigger-happy mother shot or shooting her in the shoulder, if I would've done that you'd be bitching about it too."

"No I would–"

"Oh my god," she muttered to, "Yes, you would have, everyone here knows that." She snapped at the redhead before making her way over to Izzy, "I couldn't get to him in time, he ended up grabbing Valentine and going through a portal. Have you seen Alec?"

"He's in the training room."

Toni began walking toward the training room, the closer she got the louder the punches got. Walking in and stopping a few feet in front of Alec, "I got there after Clary, Simon, and Jocelyn did. She had a crossbow and shot at Jace," Alec instantly stopped punching and looked over at Toni, worry evident on his face, "He's fine, Valentine moved him out of the way," he went back to punching the bag, "then Jocelyn was gonna try to shoot him again but me being the amazing archer that I am, I shot an arrow and differed hers... but Jace helped Valentine up and through a portal." Toni watched as he took his anger out on the punching bag, "Why don't you punch something that can actually fight back, like a person... I'm offering-" she was cut off by Clary walking towards them.

"Alec, are you okay?"

"Pretty bold of you to show your face here." Alec snapped, causing Toni to smirk.

"I can explain." Clary said but Alec cut her off.

"Unless your explanation can bring Jace back, save it."

"Alec, Jace is my brother, too."

"Am I the only one who is actually questioning if Jace is actually your brother," Toni wondered out loud, "I mean are we really supposed to trust Valentine's word." When she was met with silence and blank stares she cleared her throat, "Okay, well I guess I am the only one," she muttered before walking away from them.

As she made her way out she could hear them bickering about Jace. The clicking of heels caught Toni's attention, she turned and saw Izzy walking towards her, "I wouldn't go in there, it's getting kinda–" she stopped herself mid-sentence when Alec's voice got louder.

"Since you've arrived, you've caused nothing but problems. My family lost their birthright. Izzy was almost deruned and Toni had to step in so it wouldn't happen, not to mention she was also kidnapped. And now Valentine has my parabatai. And it's all because of you."

"Ugly," Toni trailed off.

Izzy quickly made her way over to them, Toni close behind her, "Alec, this isn't her fault."

"When are you gonna realize you don't belong here? You never have." He said before walking away.

Izzy and clary stood there stunned, Toni only slightly. She did agree with most of what he said, "I'll go talk to him." Toni sprinted after him, following him into his room.

"Not now Toni," Alec demanded.

"Yes now, Alec."

He groaned in frustration and stomped into his bathroom, slamming the door shut thinking that it would be enough of a hint to the blonde and make her leave, and for a moment he thought it was so he stripped out of his sweaty clothes and stepped into the shower. A moment later the shower curtain was abruptly yanked open. He quickly turned his body towards the wall.

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