Bad Blood

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Laughter was all that could be heard in the kitchen. But it was a mess, there was flour and sugar everywhere, on the floor and in the counters.

"Toni..." a man trailed off when he saw both Toni and Max covered in flour, and both with a fist full of flour in their hands ready to be thrown, "Uh, Alec wants you at ops center."

Toni nodded and waited for the man to leave before throwing flour directly in Max's face. In retaliation he grabbed the whole bag of flour calmly walking closer to her getting on the table and dumping it all on her head, he burst into a fit of laughter. She wiped the flour off her face before reaching for the powdered sugar, held it over his head and dumped it. They both laughed until their stomachs hurt, after Toni could breath again she began to talk, "I have to go before Alec comes for me."

He nodded, "Can we do this again?"

Toni looked around at the mess they had created, "I don't think we have any flour left, but I'll come up with something way more fun than this." He nodded and she made her way to the ops center.

People gave her a variety of looks, which she ignored and kept walking. Once she reached the group Alec noticed her, giving a disapproving look.

"What happened?" He asked which caused everyone to look at her.

"I was trying to bake cookies."

"And we thought Izzy was a bad cook," Jace joked.

Toni ignored him, "You wanted me?" She asked Alec.

"Yes, We're voting on what happens to the Cup, we give it to the clave or we keep it." Alec explained.

Jace shook his head, "There is no voting because we aren't."

Toni sighed, And I thought today was going to be drama free. She thought.

"Look, I know how powerful this Cup is. It has the power to create new Shadowhunters, control demons and even kill a mundane if they drank from it. But I promise you, I will not let that monster get his hands on it." Clary ranted and Toni rolled her eyes.

"There you go. You have her word." Jace said.

Toni wiped more flour off with her hands before stepping toward the table, "Her word means nothing, she hasn't done anything to earn you're guys trust."

"You haven't either," Clary argued.

Toni narrowed her eyes at the redhead, "I know that which is why I'm not giving it."

Alec sighed in defeat and began to walk out, "Follow me."

"What were you really doing?" Jace asked.

Toni reluctantly sighed, "I was going to back cookies but I got bored and next thing I knew there was flour and powdered sugar everywhere." Both Jace and Izzy looked like they weren't believing her so she gave in and told them, "Fine, so I was going to make them but me and my "helper" got bored so we kept throwing flour at each other then it just escalated."

"You're "helper?" Izzy skeptically asked.

"About this high," Toni held her hand out to the approximate height Max was, "Brown hair."

Immediately Izzy and Jace looked at each other, "Max," they simultaneously said.

"Yeah, he's cute–" alarms went off cutting her off, "What is that?"

Both Jace and Izzy moved closer to the screens and saw a red circle.

"There's something outside the perimeter." Jace clarified.

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