The Mortal Cup

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Antonella-Rosa Park was in her element, music blaring and strobe lights flashing as she danced her worries and stress away, with a drink in hand. At first she didn't want to go out, she'd just taken a test in her political science and government class that she had stayed up late for two weeks studying for because nothing made sense to her, she only took that class because of her parents. Not to mention she still had her paper on the history of classical ballet to finish that was due in two days, along with auditioning for the lead in the spring dance production, so to say she was feeling a bit overwhelmed was an understatement. Which is why she caved when her so called "friends" wouldn't stop nagged her, but found herself thankful she did because she felt the stress melting away.

She brought the cup up to her mouth for another sip of her drink, only to find that it was empty causing her to frown but her smile soon returned when she was handed another, courtesy of one of her "friends."

Taking a sip, she choked back a cough. It was straight up vodka, she hated vodka.

"Ugh, Gross," she muttered to herself, not that the others could hear her over the loud music.

She turned, heading for the bar when someone bumped into her, resulting in spilling her drink on said someone. She jumped back and let go of the cup, not wanting to get any on her. She's slow to register what had happened.

A moment later she shook her hand in an attempt to shake the disgusting liquid off her hands before finally looking up and seeing a woman in a white latex crop top and skirt. She had to be one of the prettiest woman she had ever seen.

She gasped when she remembered about spilling her drink on the person standing in front of her, "Oh my god, I'm so sorry,"

She leaned over to the table next to them, grabbing a few napkins and started wiping the alcohol from the girl's chest.

The girl gasped and took a step back, "You have the sight. How is that possible?"

She furrowed her eyebrows, confused about what the girl was talking about. But before she had a chance to ask they hear a man yell catching the girl's attention.

"I have to go," Mystery girl said before weaving through the crowd.

"Toni!" One of her "friends" Stephanie yelled catching her attention, she turned back looking at her "friend." "Your turn to get us drinks."

Toni nodded before walking over to the bar and getting the bartenders attention, "Hi, I'll get..."

She doesn't finish due to the bartender cutting her off, "Two ginger orange vodka, one just plain vodka, by the way whoever orders that concerns me. And one orange poppy."

She shakes her head, that's definitely not what they ordered, "That has to be a mistake, we didn't order orange poppy."

The bartender nodded, "Yeah, they did said it was for you 'cause it was your favorite drink and wanted to celebrate."

Toni turned and looked over her shoulder look where her "friends" were standing but they're not there.

She whipped her head around and scanned the crowd to find them but no luck, they left her. She sighed, relieved she didn't have to act like a fake bitch anymore.

She turned back to the bartender with a smile, "Just cancel that but I'll have a tequila mojito."

"Coming right up," he said before walking away.

The bartender came back with her drink, as she downed her drink a guy sat next to her, she glanced over at him.

Toni turned in her seat to face the guy, "You're hot...wanna get out if here?"

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