(29) Picture: Katrina {Revised}

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Jasper's POV

To wake up with the feeling of Beau's weight pressing down on my back was... Amazing. Noting I could think of could compare to the feeling of his skin pressing against mine and the sparks that come with it.

"Beau? Are you awake? I'm a little bit hungry," I whispered to him, trying to slip out from under him but his thick biceps ensnared me and pulled me right back in to my own personal heaven.

"Mhmkay. Just five more minutes," he groan in a huskily delicious voice that made my privates throb. "Mm, seems like some one's a little exited this morning."

As he spoke, he dragged his hand up and down my bare chest, circling my nipples before dipping back down to the band of my elastic waist band on my boxers. His hand then proceeded to take hold of my privates.

Stars danced before my eyes as pleasure and warmth shot through my abdominals.

I let out an embarrassing highly pitched grunt as his finger traced my tip before gliding back down to my pubic bone.

"Beau," I panted, over and over. The more he worked me, the more I felt the overwhelming need for some sort of release that was becoming increasingly more familiar with each of these moments I had with Beau.

"Beau-" I cried out only to be interrupted by the sound of a door slamming open to reveal a tall woman with tan skin and brown hair. Piercing blue eyes stared at me for a second and then took on a look of understanding.

"Oh my Goddess. Excuse me, but Beau honey? Get your hand out of your mates pants and come down stairs. I made lunch," she said before flitting away with the grace of a fairy.

I was on fire, and not the good one that I've come to love. Embarrassment pooled in my cheek.

"Who-o was th-that?" I stuttered out with dread of having to see them again.

"That, Jasper, is my mother."


"It's nice you could finally bring it upon yourselves to grace us with your presence my darlings," Beau's mother praised sarcastically. Her perfectly plucked eyebrow rose as she pursed her lip.

"Morning Mum," Beau grinned sheepishly while adjusting me on his hip.

When her gaze shifted to me, I felt like I wanted to disappear so I made the best of it and simply ducked my head into his shoulder and wrapped my arms and legs tightly.

"Oh my gosh, I could die from the cuteness!"

Suddenly, I felt a body engulf my back and I jolted in shock.

"I just want to take him away and hide him in a closet! Speaking of which, that is apparently where you were hiding! Why didn't you tell me you were gay?"

"Mum, can we please have this conversation later? I'm extremely hungry and so is Jasper."

"Of course you are since I smell a marking on this little cutie!" She cooed in a voice that she'd talk to an infant in. Two warm hands snuck to my face before they clamped my cheek skin between the thumb and pointer finger.

I squeaked in surprise.

"Mum, your scaring him! Calm yourself!"

"I'm not scary! In fact I'm a fucking saint! Actually no, since the things I heard from your room last night stole that innocence away..."

"Well how do you think I felt when I heard that from yours and Dads room?!" Kira bellowed from somewhere in the house.

They continued to bicker until they were disrupted my nothing other then the rumbling in my tummy.

The smell of pancakes and sausage was in the air and it smelt absolutely delicious and at the moment, I felt insanely ravenous.

Instantly all was quiet and they both looked at me.

"I'm-m h-hungry," I whispered to Beau. They continued to watch me for a moment before snickering slightly.

"How did that come from you?!" Beau's mum giggled. "That was so loud and your like, what? 5 foot even and 70 pounds? Oh god! Beau, how could you let me forget to introduce myself?"

She turned back to me. "Hi, Jasper. I'm Beau's mother, Katrina."

I sent her a smile. "It's n-nice to-o me-et you."

"Adorable," she sighed as she dished up a heaping plate of six pancakes and ten sausages and dousing them in maple syrup. She took another plate and put three pancakes and four sausages before dousing them too in the syrup.

She glided over to the table and placed them down on it.

"There you go. Enjoy! I would stay but I have a a daughter and a soon-to-be son-in-law to interrogate."

"Thanks Mum!" Beau thanked.

"T-Thanks Ms. Emery," I smiled at her with a wave.

"Mwah! I will see you soon!" She waved before disappearing down the hall way.

Beau gripped my bum and swung me around to his front before taking a seat on the chair with me in his lap.

He then proceeded to cut up the food. He gripped the fork and placed it at my lips.

"Open up," he said softly with a little smirk.

I opened up and he placed the delicious cake in my mouth. The maple syrup and salt from the sausage mixed exploded on my tongue. I let out a low moan.

I closed my eyes and chewed. Beneath me, I felt something grow hard, poking me.

"Tomorrow's the full moon Baby," Beau groaned, his eyes turning incandescent purple.

I bit my lip, a wave of daringness coming over me. Before he could move, I leant forward and smacked my lips to his, enjoying the maple syrup.

"I can't wait," I whispered, looking directly into his eyes.

His nose flared as he jarred his hips into my bottom.

"Uh!" I gasped before grinding down. A haze took over me as as I began to rotate my hips on his. Beau's thick hands clamped on to my hips.

They began to massage my bum cheeks pulling them apart and digging in. They rose up under my shirt and then down under the waistline of my pants.

His calloused fingers felt delicious against my skin as they massaged my body.

"Fuck, you feel so good! I can't wait to be inside you..." Beau whispered hotly in my ear.

And that was enough to set me off completely.

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