(6) Picture: Moon Goddess {Revised}

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Notice: There is no main character death.

Beau's POV

The pressure in my chest was enough to suffocate me. With every inhale, my shirt felt to tight, like there wasn't enough room for even a breath of air and with every exhale, it felt as though I wouldn't be able to get the air into my lungs once again.

From my spot outside of the pack house infirmary, I could listen to every move Lisa made as she flitted around the room.

Briefly, I could hear the sticky sound of tape being unrolled and the sound of disinfectant mist being sprayed. The breathing mask which was administered to my mate was pumping oxygen into his lungs and the IV which was stabbed into his arm occasionally dripped.

The only constant was the sound of the slow and steady beep of the heart monitor my mate was instantly hooked up to. Other then that, nothing. Zilch. Nada. All I knew was that my mate had not yet taken his last breath.

I wanted to murder whoever did this slowly and painfully, prolonging their demise. But what good would it do? My mate would still be here.

An overwhelming scenes of fear flooded my veins, replacing the pure furry and adrenaline that dominated me not an hour before. A constant flow of 'what ifs' played through my my mind like a endless, devastating movie.

What if he never wakes up?

What it he is forever traumatized?

What if his injuries are to severe and he can't function properly from internal bleeding?

What if I didn't get there in time?

I shuddered and took a deep breath, bracing my arms on my knees and lacing my fingers together. I really have no idea of what I'd do if the boy in the room behind me didn't survive.

The image of his bruised and battered face, red with blood and his eyes swollen shut beyond being able to recognize.

A growl rumbled through my chest, shaking the nearby light fixtures.

The door opened slowly and then shut just as carefully. I turned to see Lisa, the healer my father took in a couple years ago.

"What's wrong with him?" I pleaded as I stood and dwarfed her tiny figure.

The look on her face frightened me. It was look anxiousness that clouded her brown, teary eyes which held a promise of bad news that would only bring sadness to me. "Alpha, I'm sorry. He's not going live though the damages on his body. I tried my best to fix it, I really did! But he's human and can't preform the same surgical or medical practices on him as I would a shifter, he's too weak not to mention the internal rips in his organs.. Whoever did this to him broke his right fibula and femur as well as his left humerus and right radius. It seems as through most kicks were towards his head and ribs. Six ribs are broken in total and one punctured his lung. His lung... his lung i-is filling w-with bl-blood as we speak and his brain is swelling in his skull from blunt force trauma. He's going to die."

I swear the world stopped. All my fear, all my pain, all my worry ceased. I felt numb, like nothing mattered anymore. Life had no meaning, family and friends seemed insignificant. The light in me faded to darkness.

Suddenly, all I wanted was to follow the angel in the other room to wherever he would go when his heart beat it's last beat.

Lisa burst into tears in front of me, seeing as the future Luna of my pack is dying and him being my mate and I being the Alpha, it's almost guaranteed I will follow.

I stepped back and fell back against the wall back first and slid down to the ground, tucking my head in between my knees.

A violent sob left me as tears overflowed and streamed down my cheeks. He's gone and I didn't even know his name, what his eye color looked like nor if he had dimples when he laughed.

I didn't know his smile or anything about his personality. I didn't even know why the Spirits paired us together as soul mates, made to be together for eternity.

"I want to see him."

From the side of his hospital bed, I gazed at him. His face was clean of all blood but his pale skin was purple, like a giant bruise. His lip was split and his nose was crooked but he still looked like a gorgeous angel.

Beep... beep... beep... beep... beep...beep... beep... beep...

"I wish I knew your name," I started as I grabbed his pale, boney hand in my own. The sparks that spasmed through my were was so strong they almost knocked me to the ground. "I can tell that if we met under different circumstances, we would have gotten along perfectly. I would have asked you out on a date, we would have gone to the movies, your pick of course, Beautiful. Then we would have gone out for ice cream. A few days latter, I would have asked you to be my boyfriend and a couple months from now, I would have told you my secret. By next year, we'd be engaged and then in five years, we'd have little children running around the pack house.

"But that's not going to happen. I didn't find you in time and now this is the consequences. I'll never get to see those pretty eyes of your light up with happiness or the way you smile." A few stray tears fell down my cheeks and I brushed them away with the back of my pointer finger.

"Whenever your ready to go, I'll be close behind you," I whispered in his ear, trailing my nose up his neck because it was one of the strongest sourced of his natural comforting scent.

Beep... Beep... Beep, beep... beep.... beep... beep... beep

My eyes shot to the monitor, watching as the green line jutted up and down in slow controlled movements.

Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep.

"He's crashing", Lisa cried. "There's nothing I can do."

I coughed out a sob as I felt most of me die. I felt like an empty cup waiting to be filled. Right then and there, I made it my life mission to kill whoever hurt the angel on the cot.

My wolf began to weaken. He's going.

I gripped him tighter and pressed my head to his chest.


A sharp pain shot through my chest as I watched his frail body, completely serene and at peace with no understanding of what's happening.

I gripped his hand tightly, hoping to unconsciously comfort him as much as I could and hopping that my touch might keep him here.

The monitor began to beep more frantically as I squashed my eyes shut and prayed for the pity of the Moon Goddess.

'Please take me with him'.

And then it happened.


And he was gone.

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