(16) {Revised}

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Beau's POV

I could feel my wolf itching to get back to Jasper's side. Recently, an uneasy feeling washed over me and now I had an intense urge to wrap myself around his small body just to know that he was safe.

As I jogged through the trees of emerald, I unconsciously began to pick up speed. Something was wrong and it killed me that I didn't know what it was.

'Marco, is the perimeter secure?' I asked. Marco was the person on for patrol this evening.

'Everything is in order, Alpha,' he responded quickly, his voice echoing across my mind.

"Dammit," I cursed under my breath. Then my heart skipped a beat. What if something happened to him? What if he was endangered and I wasn't there for him; to protect him and comfort him? 'Lisa, is everything okay? I have a itching feeling in the back of my mind.'

'Alpha, Jasper is experiencing panic attacks due to Post Traumatic Stress.

He had one about five-ten minutes ago. At this moment, he's in your room resting.'

My legs skipped a beat and then I lurched forward, tearing through everything in my path.

Eventually, after what seemed like a grueling several hours, the white gleam of the Pack House could be seen.

Some of the children of the pack were entertaining each other in the from yard and as I followed my war path, they coward in fear. The aura my hulking figure was giving off must have been a flashing neon sign screaming 'GET OUT OF MY WAY!'

The person who was on duty for watching the pups had a terrified look of her face as she herded the children away.

I would have time to be guilty later when I had Jasper safely tucked under my arms.

After climbing the dark hard wood stairs in four giant leaps, I continued down the dark hall that was empty. As I approached my door, I saw David standing dutifully in front of the door with a stotic expression.

As soon as he saw me, he moved to the side with his head bowed in respect. I pushed through the door to see my delicate mate on the bed. When he didn't move, horrible memories of him bloody, cold, lifeless and... Just gone played through my head.

A sick feeling rose in the pit of my stomach. I felt nauseous and unsure as I ignored Lisa who was sitting on the couch scanning over a stack of papers and headed straight for my bed.

Why did he keep getting panic attacks? What was triggering them? Did he remember what happened to him? What did happen to him?

I leaned down over him and scanned his face for any trace of discomfort or injury. After not seeing a sign of anything, I felt much more content.

"Jasper... Jasper...Jaz?" I whispered into his ear softly as I stroked his hair from his forehead. My breath caused his hair to splay across his face.

He let out a soft whimper and rolled. His hand came up and attached itself to my arm like a vice, tugging on me.

A small smile morphed my lips and I felt my wolf and myself calm right down instantaneously.

I looked over to Lisa and I nodded my thanks before I crawled up into bed behind him, not stopping to think of how he will react to an almost complete stranger in his bed but in my defense, it's actually my bed...

As soon as I settled between the blue comforter, I wrapped my arm he was holding around his waist, pulling him into my body, his back to my front. I rejoiced in the toe curling tingles I received anytime I laid a finger on my mate.

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