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Beau's POV

He was gone. It felt as through my life held no meaning, no future. Nothing. Just empty darkness.

His scent began to fade and the slight heat that was emanating from his warm palms was fading, a cruel reminder he no longer lived.

Tears seared my eyes, collecting until they overflowed down my cheeks and violent, silent sobs racked my body.

I leaned forward and brushed his bloody hair from his bruised forehead. Dried blood caked at his temple.

An overwhelmingly urgent sense of a thirst for vengeance seeped through my veins, clouding my thoughts and lining my vision with red.

Anger at whoever had a hand in harming my little mate erupted in my stomach, burning up any resolve to stay put.

I lurched up, knocking the chair I was perched on to the ground before plowed my way to the door where I gripped the knob with such force, I yanked it back and listened to the screech of the door being torn of its hinges.

It dropped to the ground as I continued to make my way to the front door. I could sense terrified presences scattering from my war path but paid little to no attention to it.

Just as I was about to step over the threshold, a strong torso attacked my own, sending my to the ground.

The rage I felt inside completely blinded me as to who was stopping me from getting my revenge. I felt my claws elongate and I swiped out feeling a tinge of satisfaction when I connected to my attackers flesh.

Warm liquid trailed out of the deadly incisions and I revelled in the little bit of release I achieved.

"Shit!" He gasped in pain, his grip on my loosening until I managed to pin him to the ground with my nails tacking the edges of his shirt.

I growled and nipped at his face. By now, I had felt my teeth grow into dagger like canines that were capable of ripping the flesh from his throat.

"Beau! Calm down! The pack is literally cowering in fear. Tyler and Kira took them to The Basement. Get a grip, you ass!" Landon wheezed, gulping in air.

With that, the little control I had managed to push him away and turned to leave leave The House.


I succumbed to my wolf, completely letting go of anything that tied me to my humanity.

My primal instincts seeped out as I stalked the Rogue wolf. He had yet to see me and I would like to keep it that way for a little longer.

My paws landed softly in the grass, cushioning the sounds. My breath left my muzzle in hot clouds of air, like steam from a freight train.

Through the tall bushes and trees, I caught glimpses of his matted rust coloured fur as he licked at the water from the stream flowing through the area of forestry on the north side of my territory.

I lowered into a position that would most suitable to pounce on my unsuspecting prey.

I swiped my tail in preparation to leap and cringed as it connected to a branch behind me.

The leaves rustled loudly and the wolf at the river unfortunately noticed. His large head lurched up, his red eyes glinting with a defensive gleam.

From his size, it was clear to me that he was high in the rankings. Possibly a Gamma or a Beta gone Rogue from the elimination of his pack or the death of his mate.

Whatever it is through, it does not matter. Rogue minds can not be reversed and he is now a threat to my pack and if not mine, the certainly another.

I give it two weeks before I succumb to that deep, dark place in my mind.

He lifted his nose to the sky, his nostrils flaring as deep breaths of forest air invade his lungs for one of the last times.

I sprung forward, jumping over the bush I was disguised by. I stalked to him slowly, ears laid back flat against my head. His eyes carefully calculated the situation, judging where to attack.

Not wasting a second, I made my move, running forward to grip his tender jugular with my jaw and rip it to shreds.

He counteracted my move, skidding out of my way before making his own attempt at my stomach.

I raked my claw over the side of his jaw, tearing deep and little drops of ruby-like liquid sprouted from the cut.

A low whimper released from him but he pressed on. He tried to attack my neck but I bit tightly into his shoulder, the ligaments and bone being exposed as he jerked back and the flesh tore.

The taste of blood erupted in my mouth and I licked my muzzle.

He was badly injured and I knew that even if he walked away now, he would die of blood loss.

As I was musing on how to attack next, he got the upper hand and charged. We rolled until he came out on top only to attack my jaw.

Burning pain stung the left side of my face and a growled in anger.

I swung my head up and clamped onto his jaw like a vice and pulled. The skin of his neck tore, blood spurting onto the ground and my face.

After a few seconds, the body of the Rogue went limp and I felt the excitement of my wolf as the Rogues scent faded then completely disappeared after his heart stopped.

I shrugged him off, feeling myself come back.

"Shit," I hissed as I ran my hands through my hair and I turned and rammed my fist into the nearest tree. The trunk split and shuttered as leaves rained down on me.

Pain radiated up my fist and I growled in frustration. How the hell could I lose it like that?! I endangered my pack.

The pain slowly crept back into my chest, making it feel like I'm drowning.

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