(7) Picture: Pack House {Revised}

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Jasper's POV

I felt my body let go.

For a moment, I felt suspended in air and then everything seemed to settle. I felt the earth covered in a thick grassy blanket against my back. Then every thing went warm. A warm breeze carried the scent of flowers and I felt my hair shift against my forehead.

My eyes flickered open to reveal the sky in different shades of purple.

I felt at peace.

What am I doing here? I thought as I pulled myself up on to my elbows. As I took in my utopian surroundings, amazement and wonder filled me. How did I get here?

This was different, much different then... Wait. Then what?

My memories seemed to be in a bubble, as through everything time I tried to access them, my train of thought bounced off its proverbial tracks.

My name is Jasper James Moore, I'm sixteen years old and then... blank. Nothing.

"Jasper," the wind seemed to whisper. "Jasper, follow."

I snapped my head to the sound of the calming voice. I saw nothing until I saw the wind pick up into a vortex. The air chased itself in a swirl.

"Follow, Jasper," it cooed. I got up and stood on my feet. In a hypnotizing movement, it began to move forward.

I followed it through the meadow, carefully stepping over mounds of pink flowers and around low drooping trees until we reached a wall of high trees that seemed to encase the meadow in a safety dome.

For a brief moment, apprehension made itself known in my mind but with one last beckoning, I threw caution to the wind and took the first step through the trees. With only a couple steps into the thick forest, the forest drastically changed.

Bright, white light erupted from beside the trickling waterfall, almost burning my retinas before I shielded them from the blinding burst. The source of the light caused unbearable heat to blister my skin. I dropped to the crisp green grass and pulled my body into the feeble position.

"Hello, Jasper," her voice greeted. My eyes shot open when a memory burst forward and I gasped. It was the same voice as the voice I heard when I was younger; the one that helped me get out of scary situations with... with... I don't know who.

I slowly turned to see the most brilliant, shiny woman I have ever seen. She looked to be straight out of a Faery portrait.

Her skin was silvery-white and glowed like the moon. Her hair was the color of freshly fallen snow. The irises of her eyes glowed with a brilliant blue that seemed to suck you in.

"Who are you?" I whispered, completely awestruck with her... brightness.

A tinkling laugh left her white lips. "My name is Selene, little one."

I bristled at that. I'm not that small so I voiced my distress. "I'm five foot two. I'm not small, just smaller then normal."

She gazed at me... Lovingly? Then sighed with a smile. "You're absolutely perfect."

Perfect? What'd she mean? Perfect for what? The way she was staring at me made me think I was perfect for her dinner.

I shuddered. Ew. Damn Cannibals.

Selene's eyes twinkled with laughter as she took a step closer to me. "I'm not going to eat you, little one. I just couldn't be happier with my choice to mate you to one of my children."

Her children? She doesn't look any older then seventeen and damn, there's that name again.

Wait, I didn't say that out loud... how'd she... My train of thought was interrupted when she placed her hand on my shoulders.

"What are you?" I asked cautiously. Reading my mind and looking a disco ball? What is she, a vampire?

She giggled like a little girl. "I am the moon."

The moon? This girl is obviously on something.

She looked thoughtful for a moment then sadness clouded her features. "It's been to long, Jasper. I'm cutting it to close. You absence has created a large problem for my blessed pack."

She took a few more steps until she was directly in front of me.

"Look at me, Jasper."

And when I did, my eyes widened in shock. Her blue eyes were now glowing indigo and he hair was splayed in a halo around her pale head.

"Electus meus, vos, meorum. Intus est vestrum, fiat lux, parvus. Et hoc ostendit per," Selene hummed.

A bundle of ice formed in the center of my chest. My breath caught in my throat and I shuddered, not able to inhale. My throat constricted as I dropped to my knees.

What did Selene do to me?

I felt like my body was a vortex; like it was trying to pull something into me. Suddenly, I went from weightless to feeling like I weighed an extra hundred pounds heavier.

I croaked in a breath as I dropped forward onto my hands and knees. I rolled onto my back and clawed at my throat, my finger nails digging into my flesh. My body felt as though it was encased in an ice cube. A freezing, stiff ice block.

"Good bye, my darling. We will see each other again soon." She smiled sadly before dipping forward to brush her lips across my forehead, her crystal white hair sweeping across my face.

And with that, I began to sink into the lush grass, deeper and deeper until the darkness enveloped me until Selene was just a white speck on the distance.

What'd she do to me! I mentally sobbed. It felt as though I was sinking though silk. The coldness spread from my chest to my limbs in icy cold webs and sharp shooting ice spirals.

Colors flashed before my eyes tingles tickled behind them before spreading to the top of my head.

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