(21) {Revised}

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Jasper's POV

As Beau and I walked to the car from the Italian restraint we had just ate ate, I was oozing happiness. Tonight was great. I had so much fun but a twinge of sadness bugged me because I was about to leave this memory behind.

"Thank you, Beau, for sharing that spot with me. It means so much to me. I had a fantastic night."

"Me too, Baby. Me too," he replied with a awe inspiring smile on his gorgeous face that caused the breath in my lungs to hitch, refusing to move.

There was that name again. 'Baby', it makes my stomach flutter and my heart feel like it's going to stop in my chest.

We reached his car, him opening the door for me once again causing me to pout much to my annoyance.

What type of boy pouts? A loserish one, of course.

I slid into the leather seats that were a little chilly due to the crisp edge in the air penetrating the vehicle.

"I was thinking we would go back to the house and have a marathon of movies- your choice of course. I'll make some popcorn, grab a bag of chips and a bottle of pop, sound good?"

"How can you still me hungry? We just ate a colossal amount of food!" I exclaimed. The portions at the diner were the size of large watermelons.

"High functioning metabolism," he said simply with a grin that seemed like there was an inside joke or something. He reached over and turned on the radio before gripping my hand. His thumb continuously rubbed circles on it as we drove towards the house.

Heat was radiating from the vents and Beau's presence was so calming before I knew it, I faded out of consciousness, my last image was of Beau's smiling face.


I awoke to the flickering of lights.

As I came back to the world, I noticed a soft hum of words emanating from the flat screen.

I yawned as I stretched only to notice the hard expanse of a thick, warm torso. "Beau?" I whispered only to realize that he was asleep beneath me.

His thick lashes were curved against his cheek and I simply admired his relaxed features.

Then my bladder made itself known. The stupid thing...

As carefully as I could, as to not disturb the sleeping God beneath me, I removed myself from his chest, re-laying the thick polar fleece and flannel blanket back out over his chest.

I then padded down the cool hallway to the bathroom. After relieving myself and washing my hands with a lemon scented soap, I made my way to the kitchen for a glass of water.

Just as I was about to take a sip, the sound of something hitting the floor sounded.

"Jasper?" Beau's voice called before I heard him track down the hall towards me. As he reached me, he pulled me to his chest, picking me up and wrapping me around his body.

"Beau," I giggled, before reaching forwards and pressing a kiss to his neck.

"Are you hungry? I'll make you a snack..."

I was about to refuse the offer when my stomach decided that he rather liked the idea of food in it and made it noticeable my releasing a growl.

"How do crepes with strawberries and whipped cream sound?"

"Absolutely amazing."

"'Kay. How about you slice some strawberries and I'll fry the crepes?" Beau grinned as he placed me down on the ground and steered me to the kitchen table. He then went to gather the knife, cutting board and berries and placed them before me.

Twenty minutes later, we sat in front of the TV watching cartoons, wrapped in a blanket and eating our delicious creations at four o'clock in the morning.

"Are you happy, Jas?" Beau suddenly asked. It took me off guard. What does he mean? Then I asked myself: am I happy?

I think back on all of my memories. Before Beau was all a dark vortex. But... It didn't bother me. Every memory I have with him made a smile come to my face. Every outing, every intimate moment, every conversation made me feel content and loved; cared for.

What more could I ask for?

And I just hope that I convey that back to him. I... I never want to leave him. Just the thought made me want to tear up.

I turned to look at him. His face had tuned sullen. Then I realized he must have taken my silence the wrong way.

"Beau," I whispered as I crawled into his lap. "You make me so happy. When I'm with you, I feel taken care of. I feel loved and like I belong with you. And.. I hope I do the same for you."

A breath taking smile broke his face. Then I felt a hand on the back of my head. It pushed me towards him.

Our lips met. But it was a sweet embrace where we were just us. Nothing else mattered.

I wrapped my hands around his neck, pressing my body to his.

When we pulled apart, he whispered three words that forced my chest to seize in the most pleasurable way possible.

"I love you."

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