Chapter 17: Death

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Everything seemed to happen in slow-motion

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Everything seemed to happen in slow-motion. I grabbed my stomach but when I looked down, there was nothing. I wasn't the one who got shot. I turned my head around. Lucas was standing in front of me. My head bent down to his stomach. His hands were holding his stomach as his shirt turned red within the second. His hands were covered in blood.

"Abby!", I yelled as loud as I could.

Lucas fell down but I caught him. I laid him down slowly. Abby was quick to arrive. She knelt down next to Lucas.

"We need to stop the bleeding.", Abby said. She held her hands on the wound as she looked at Lucas.

I grabbed a hand of Lucas and squeezed it. He looked at me, a tear left his eye.

I was already crying. "It's gonna be okay, just hang on." I reassured him.

"I love you.", He said.

"I love you too, okay? Which is why you're gonna hang on, come on, you can do it.", I told him. I was more sobbing than talking, though.

"Thank you.", He said. "Thank you, Aaliyah."

"Lucas, hang on, just hang on. In a few hours, we'll be back in Arkadia, okay? We'll be playing another round of hide and seek. You'll be safe, I promise.", I told him. He smiled and nodded. But then, he closed his eyes.

"Hey, Lucas, wake up.", I told him. I grabbed his hands with both of my hands now.

"Start CPR.", Abby told herself. "Aaliyah, keep pressure on the wound." She laid her hands on Lucas' chest and pushed. I held my hands on the wound as I looked at his face, which was pale now.

The only thing I did was crying and praying for my brother to live.

"Come on Lucas, you can do it.", I whispered. "Just open your eyes."

Suddenly, Abby stopped. She leant back and looked at Lucas, desperate.

"Why are you stopping?", I yelled.

"It- I- Aaliyah, I'm-", She tried to form a sentence but I didn't listen.

"No!", I yelled. I started doing a CPR myself. "Lucas, you have to come back to me. I can't do this without you, okay?" I sobbed.

I didn't stop trying. "Lucas, please, you promised you wouldn't leave me!"

I felt someone grab my shoulder but I slapped their hand away. "Come back! Come back to me, please! I'm begging you! You can't leave me here like this!"

I felt the same hand grab my shoulder again but this time rougher. That's when I realised Lucas wasn't coming back.

"No!", I screamed. There followed more screams. And cries. My screams and cries.

I turned my head around seeing Jaha standing up there with a gun in his hand. He gave me a 'sorry' look and that's when I knew he shot my brother.

I turned my head back and grabbed a knife. I then lunged myself at Jaha.

Right when I was about to reach him, I felt someone now lunge at me making both of us fall down to the ground. I saw it was Bellamy and wanted to get up to kill Jaha but Bellamy held me back.

"No! Let go of me! Let me go!", I screamed and cried. I saw Jaha looking at me like I was crazy. "Burn in hell!" I yelled at him.

Bellamy grabbed me in a tight hug. I cried in his chest. I didn't care about what he did in the past. I just wanted Lucas back.

flashback #1

I stayed quiet when I heard his footsteps. I felt them coming closer. I almost stopped breathing. I closed my eyes. I hoped he wouldn't find me.

"Found you!", He yelled.

"Ah, this is nods. I don't have any more hiding spots.", I told him.

"Well, I do and it's your turn to count so that works out great for me.", He said happily.

"All right, one more time.", I said. He smirked and I closed my eyes as Lucas ran off.

flashback #2

"Daddy?", I asked my dad. He looked up to me and Lucas.

"What, my little princess?", He replied.

"Lucas doesn't wanna give me my teddy back.", I said looking angrily at Lucas.

"He likes me more.", Lucas replied to me.

"That's not true, I'm his mum!", I yelled.

"Well, I can be the dad!", He yelled.

"No, he only has a mum and that's me!", I stated.

"Woah, guys hold up!", Daddy yelled making us stop. "Aaliyah, you need to learn that not everything is yours. Lucas can play with it too. Learn how to share."

"But he doesn't wanna give it back to me.", I whined.

"He'll give it back eventually. You need to learn to play together. What if something happens to me and you guys only have each other?", Daddy told us.

"Nothing will happen to you.", Lucas said.

"But what if? Then you need to take care of each other.", Daddy said.

"Not if Lucas takes all my toys!", I soured.

"Not if Aaliyah always acts like she's in charge!", Lucas yelled.

He ran away with my teddy and I sprinted after him to get my teddy back.

flashback #3

"Bellamy?", Lucas asked him when he saw him outside. He had been looking for him all day.

"Hey, Lucas.", Bellamy said.

"I wanna say something.", Lucas told him.

"Go ahead."

"I wanted to say that, if something happened to me and I can't be there for Aaliyah anymore, I want you to swear you'll take care of her.", Lucas told Bellamy.

"Yesterday she told me the same about you.", Bellamy smiled. They cared for each other so much.

"Really?", Lucas smiled too. "You know, you're really important to her. She can't stop talking about all the times you've saved her. I'm glad she's happy."

Are you crying?

I'm sorry for killing Lucas, but when I added him to the story I knew at some point I was gonna kill him. It's for Aaliyah's character development. I've had this idea for so long that it was gonna be in this scene.

I hope you still enjoyed the last chapter of this book. There will be a book 4, I will let you know when the first chapter is uploaded.


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