Chapter 4: Watch The Thrones

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We arrived in Arkadia and so did my brother

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We arrived in Arkadia and so did my brother. I saw him and immediately pulled him in a hug.

"You scared the shit out of me, I thought I'd lost you.", I told him.

"I'm sorry?", He replied smirking.

I was pulled out of the moment when I heard Jasper scream. "Get away from me!"

"Hey!", I yelled and ran over to him and Monty. "Jasper, what's wrong?"

"He's not going to the memorial.", Monty told me.

"It's a little late for a Mount Weather memorial, don't you think?", He asked me.

"All unstationed security personnel report to the main gate.", Someone said through the speakers.

I saw Octavia, Lucas and Jasper walking over there.

"If he doesn't wanna go, then he doesn't have to. You can't force him to do things.", I stated.

"He's hiding his feelings and you know it.", Monty told me.

I shook my head and walked away. I saw Bellamy and ran up to him. I wanted to talk to him.

"Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?", I asked him.

"Sure, kid. What's up?", He asked me.

"This may sound really weird, but I wanna know I said it.", I explained him.

"Go ahead.", He said and folded his arms.

"If something would ever happen to me, like so bad that I die, I want to know that you will take care of Lucas. Be there for him. Show him that he has still people left.", I told him.

"Why would you think something would happen to you?", He asked me.

"Will you just promise me?", I begged him.

"Alright, alright. I promise.", He said and I gave him a thankful nod.

Bellamy walked off and I saw Grounders walking through the gate. Octavia was helping someone and I ran over to her.

"What happened?", I asked her.

"They're sick. Help me get them inside.", She said and I nodded, helping an older woman to walk inside.

When everyone was inside Octavia told me I could go to the memorial. I didn't really wanna go, but I did anyway, for those we've lost.

I quickly walked into the room and took a seat next to Lucas. He smiled at me and then continued listening to Pike.

"All that's certain is that we die. How we die is up to us. Who will speak for Iris Jones?", He asked the crowd.

I saw Bryan stand up and walk to the front as he started talking. "Iris was strong. Good with a knife. She saved my life. I'm just sorry I couldn't do the same for her."

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