Chapter 60

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"Okay, it's Lea's turn," said Sméagol.

"Wait, you didn't get a gift for Lea?" asked Damian.

"We did, but we opens our presentses for each other later."

"Oh, good idea," said Bri. "Damian and I opened our gifts for each other before you guys got here. It's kind of a special tradition we have. We get up early, and we exchange the corniest but most awesome gifts to each other."

"Awww, that's so romantic," said Aini.

"Okay," said Lea, "well, my gifts for you three are the same, but... I still hope you like them." She handed Bri, Damian, and Aini her gifts to them. They were copies of a CD she had recorded herself with her own studio equipment and software. "These songs all have really special meaning for me."

"Ohh, Lea," Bri said sweetly, "thank you, Honey. This means so much to us."

"I know we're gonna love it," said Damian. "I mean, come on. We love everything you sing, because you sing it so well."

Lea smiled awkwardly.

"She can sing the McDonald's Theme Song," said Bri, "and it would still sound beautiful."

Lea snickered.

"Thank you, Lea," said Aini. "I'll listen to it while I read Sméagol's book."

Lea snickered some more. "Cool."

"Okay, well, I guess it's my turn," said Bri. "Now, Lea knows that giving gifts is my love language, and I always love to go all out with them, so..." She reached under the tree, and handed Aini a large bag.

Aini removed the tissue paper, and inside was an entire set of different color yarn and knitting and crocheting needles. "Oh, wow, Bri," she exclaimed, "thank you so much! This is awesome!"

"You're like me, girl. You love to knit and crochet things."

"Yeah, I really do. Thank you, Bri."

"That's not all." She reached under the tree, and handed Aini another gift.

Aini removed the paper to reveal a box of chocolates. "Ohh, Bri, these look delicious. I love chocolate."

"I know you do."

"Thank you so much."

"And, one more thing." Bri handed Aini her last gift.

Aini reached into the bag, and pulled out a white, crochet shawl. "Awww, this is beautiful! Wow, Bri, you really did go all out. Thank you!"

"You're welcome, Honey." Bri reached under the tree, and handed Sméagol his first gift. "Okay, Sméagol, I don't know how you're gonna feel about this gift, but I really hope you'll like it."

Sméagol smiled as he reached into the gift bag, removed the tissue paper, and pulled out a pale green knitted, uh, outfit. "What's this?" he asked.

"It's a bunny onesie," said Bri. "Here, let me show you." She unfolded it, and held it up for him to see. "It's got a hood with bunny ears. At the bottom, you've got bunny feet, and then, in the back, it's got a long, very fluffy tail. It's springy, so you can wiggle and bend and move it however you want. It's also strong, so you won't break it. And this, in the front, it's a zipper. It'll make it easier to put on the onesie.

Sméagol's face lit up. "It's so precious!" he sighed. "Can we put it on now?"

"Of course, Honey. Go in the bathroom, and try it on. Oh, and be careful when you zip it up. The zipper's really, really long, and you don't wanna accidentally zip your crotch."

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