Chapter 73

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So, Lea decided to start chemotherapy as soon as possible. The first time she went in for her infusion, she was scared to death, but Sméagol held her hand the entire time. The chemo made her feel very sick, tired, and weak, and eventually, she lost all of her hair. However, Sméagol didn't care. Although he loved her long, blonde hair, and loved playing with it, he still thought she was the most beautiful woman in the world, even though she was bald. Still, she felt very self-conscious about the way she looked, as if she didn't have enough problems with her body image before. Bri and Sméagol took her to the hair salon to find a wig. There were no wigs that matched her exact style, but she did find a very long, blonde one with curly, poofy hair, a style she had always wanted to try.

Since she spent a lot of time at home from being so sick, she had a lot of time to write new songs, and working on her very first album. She decided to write songs about her life, the struggles she faced due to her disabilities, and so much more. She wanted this album to be her story, her autobiography in the form of song. Her songs were all pop ballads with an Irish/Celtic sound to them. Despite feeling like absolute shit, she was determined to finish the album

Soon, Lea was beginning to get cabin fever, and really wanted to go out with her friends again. So, the doctor recommended an anti-nausea medicine for her to take, which seemed to work very well for her. She also began to eat energy bars, which helped her feel a little less tired. She wasn't going to let her stupid cancer stop her from having fun with her friends.

However... since Gollum's departure, things have felt very empty for, not just Lea, but everyone, especially Sméagol. They all missed him, and wished there was some way to get him back. Or, if they could at least figure out how to contact him, try to convince him to come back.

Sméagol's RedeptionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang