Chapter 38

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That evening, the JamFam gathered for their usual Saturday night meeting.

"Okay, everyone," said Bri, "so I think it would be great if we started doing Victory of the Week, where everyone shares something good that happened to them this past week, something good they did, even if it's something small, because even the smallest victories matter. They add up, until you have an epic mountain of victories that soon outweigh the bad things. So, who wants to go first?"

Rachel raised her hand.

"Okay, Rachel, tell us your victory for the week."

"I told my dad about my eating disorder," said Rachel."

"And, how did he react?"

"The total opposite of Mom. We talked about it together, and I decided I need to see a therapist."

"That is awesome, Sweetie. Does he know about how your mom reacted?"

"Yeah, he cussed her out."

Bri and a few others snickered.

"Your dad sounds awesome," said Lea.

"He is. Oh, and he let me move in with him instead."

"I am so happy for you, Rachel," said Bri. "You're finally getting the help you deserve."

"And, you're out of that toxic environment," added Damian.

"Yeah," said Rachel, "I cut off contact with my mom for now."

"Good. You needed to, because when you're recovering, the last thing you need is someone encouraging your eating disorder behaviors. And, you know, maybe someday, she'll come around."

"That would be great, but... I'm not getting my hopes up."

"No, I wouldn't."

"I just wanna focus on recovery and my relationship with my dad."

"And, that's what you need to do right now."

"Good for you, Rachel," said Bri. "I am so proud of you, Honey, and I know you can do it."

"Yep," said Damian, "we're all behind you a hundred percent."

Sméagol nodded and smiled at Rachel.

"Okay, who's next?" asked Bri.

"Another girl raised her hand.

"Okay, April, what's your victory?"

"I'm now a whole month binge-purge free," said April.

Bri gasped excitedly. "That's amazing, Honey! I'm so proud of you!"

"We knew you could do it, Precious!" Sméagol exclaimed proudly.

"Thanks," said April. "To tell you the truth, I don't even miss it."

"Wow, that is amazing," said Bri. "You know, it's normal for most people recovering from any addiction to miss their, um, addiction, and have to live with the temptations for the rest of their lives. But, every now and then, you get someone who recovers, and they don't miss it at all. Like, they don't even have the temptations or the thoughts. I, on the other hand, have been binge-purge free for a year, and Istill get tempted to binge and purge. However, I feel like I'm strong enough now to resist."

April nodded, acknowledging Bri's statement.

"Okay, who else?"

Lea raised her hand.

"Oh, yes, Lea's got a victory. Tell us, Lea!"

Lea smiled at Sméagol. "Sméagol and I are in a relationship now!" she said happily.

Everyone's jaws dropped open with excitement.

"Well, it's about time!" Alyssa joked.

Lea and Sméagol laughed.

"That's a victory for both of you," said Bri.

"Yep," Lea agreed. "He's the best boyfriend ever," She leaned on Sméagol for a hug.

Sméagol wrapped his arms around her.

"Awwwwww!" everyone sighed.

"Anyone else?"

Nobody else raised their hands.

"Well, then, let's give everyone a round of applause." Bri clapped her hands. "Yay!"

Everyone joined her in applauding those who shared their victories.

"Hey, Bri," said Damian, "you have a victory. Why don't you tell everyone?"

"Oh, right! So, years ago, I was told I would probably never be able to have a baby. Like, I had a one percent chance of getting pregnant. Well..." She hesitated for suspense. "As of today..." She hesitated some more. "I'm three months pregnant!" she shouted happily.

Everyone gasped, and cheered and applauded for Bri, jumping up and down in excitement.

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