Chapter 52

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Sméagol and Lea headed for the waiting room, to wait for Aini to pick them up.

"Thank God Bri's okay," Lea said with a sigh of relief.

"We knew she would be," said Sméagol.

"Yes," Gollum agreed. "Very strong she is."

"Yep," said Lea. "She's a tough cookie. All the shit I've been through is nothing compared to what she's been through, and she still comes out on top with a positive attitude."

Sméagol smiled at Lea. "So do you, Precious."

"And, you do, too." Lea pulled out her phone. "I'll call Aini, and let her know we're ready to go."

Just as Lea was about to call, she and Sméagol saw a young woman coming into the waiting room, carrying a little girl in her arms. The little girl was crying loudly, and the mother was trying to comfort her while trying not to cry herself.

"Shhh," said the mother, "it's okay, Sweetheart. It's okay. Mommy's here." She sat down on a nearby couch, and held her daughter on her lap.

"I don't wanna die!" the little girl sobbed.

"I know, Sweetie," the mother sniffled, kissing her daughter's forehead.

Sméagol approached the little girl. "Why does it cry, Precious?" he asked so sweetly.

"She's really sick," said the mother. "She's been fighting cancer for a year, and the doctor just told her that her treatments aren't working anymore..." She tried to swallow her tears. "He said she only has six months left to live."

"How old is she?"

"She's six."

Sméagol's heart broke. "Awwww, you poor thing," he said sweetly, also trying not to cry. "Can Sméagol hold her?"

"He's really, really nice," Lea reassured the mother, "probably the nicest person you'll ever meet."

"Of course," the mother said. "Go on, Sweetie," she said to her daughter.

The little girl crawled over to Sméagol.

"Awwww, come here, Precious," Sméagol said sweetly as he lifted her onto his lap, and held her in his arms. "What's its name, beautiful?"

"Meredith," the little girl sniffled.

"Meredith, what a beautiful name."

"I'm scared, Mr. Sméagol," Meredith wept. "I don't wanna die."

Sméagol held Meredith tighter. "We knows," he sniffled. "We knows, Precious." He gently stroked her very short hair. "But, you don't have to be afraid, because you're going to go to heaven to be with God and Jesus and all the angels."

"That's right," said the mother. "You'll get to see Grandpa again. You remember Grandpa?"

"Yes," Meredith sniffled. "I miss him."

"We knows he misses you, too, Precious," said Sméagol, "and he can't wait to see you again."

"He's been waiting for you, Sweetie."

"And, when it goes to heaven, it gets to be an angel, too."

"So, I can watch over my mommy and daddy?" said Meredith.

"Yes," said the mother, "just like Grandpa's watching over you right now."

Meredith smiled. "What's heaven like?"

"We doesn't know, Precious," said Sméagol, "but we imagines it's beautiful."

"Do you think there's bunnies in heaven?"

"She loves bunny rabbits," said the mother.

"Oh, lots and lots of beautiful bunnies," said Sméagol.

"And, candy and soda and pizza?"

"Yes, all the candies and sodas and pizzas it can eat, and it won't even get sick. And, we thinks there's blue skies and a bright, warm sun that will never burns you and lots and lots of beautiful, colorful rainbows with potses of sparkling gold and cotton candy clouds."

Meredith's eyes glistened at the thought.

"And, everybody will be very, very nice to you, and you won't be sick anymore. No more pain for you, Precious, and you get to meet God and Jesus. They take good care of you." Sméagol caressed Meredith's wet cheeks. "They loves you very much."

"Will it hurt?"

"Will what hurt?"


"No. No, Precious. When it's time, you just close your eyes, and then, God will come down to you. And, he will take your hand, and fly you up, up, up to heaven."

Meredith began to feel sad again. "But, what about my mommy and daddy," she wept. "I don't wanna leave them."

Meredith's mother tried desperately not to cry.

"You won't, Precious. You'll always be with them, and they carry you in their heartses forever. You will never, ever be apart."

The mother smiled at Sméagol.

"I'm still scared," Meredith wept.

"Awwww, Precious," Sméagol said sweetly, wiping away Meredith's tears. "It'll be alright, beautiful Meredith. It'll be alright." He kissed her forehead. "Sméagol sing to you. Would it like that?"

Meredith nodded.

Sméagol cradled the frightened little girl in his arms, and gently caressed her cheeks and head as he softly sang her a sweet, comforting lullaby version of "You'll Be in My Heart" from Tarzan. His unique, warm, angelic voice touched her heart, as well as her mother's. He wiped away her tears, and kissed her face as he sang.

Lea was watching, and couldn't help but cry, seeing how sweet and kind Sméagol was to a stranger in need. She felt so blessed to know someone so incredible and beautiful, and even moreso, knowing he loved her.

"Thank you, Mr. Sméagol," Meredith sniffled. "You have the sweetest, most nicest voice in the whole wide world."

"Awwwwww," Sméagol cried, "you precious little angel."

"And, Tarzan is my favoritest movie."

"It is?"

"Yep, and that's her most favorite song," said her mother.

Sméagol smiled sweetly at Meredith. "You're a beautiful little girl, and you're so strong and very brave."

"Thank you, Mr. Sméagol," said Meredith.

Sméagol grinned. "It doesn't have to call me Mr. Sméagol. Just call me Sméagol."

"Okay, Sméagol."

The mother smiled at Sméagol. "Thank you so much, Sméagol. You really helped us both. You're really good with kids."

"Sméagol loves everybody," said Sméagol.

"He really does," Lea sniffled as she approached them. "He has a heart of gold."

"What's your name?" asked the mother.

"I'm Lea. I'm his girlfriend."

"I'm Madilyn."

"What a beautiful name," Sméagol said warmly.

Madilyn smiled. "Lea, you are a very lucky lady."

Lea smiled giddily. "I know."

They all talked and bonded for a few more minutes. Sméagol even introduced his Gollum personality, and Madilyn and Meredith loved him, too. Then, Lea called Aini to come and pick her and Sméagol up. Madilyn wanted to stay in touch with them, so they all exchanged contact information. Lea even invited Madilyn to the JamFam group, and Madilyn graciously accepted.

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