Chapter 5

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After the concert, the choir gathered at a nearby restaurant for a celebratory dinner. Lea and Bri changed out of their choir dresses, and into their comfortable clothes.

"You were amazing, Lea!" Bri said excitedly. "You nailed that song!"

"You sure did," Damian agreed.

"Thanks," Lea said, trying to smile.

Bri could see through her brave act, though. She hugged her friend. "Sweetie, I'm so sorry Ivan didn't show up."

"It's fine," said Lea.

"No, it's not. I know how much it would've meant to you."

"He's an idiot anyway," said Damian.

"Yeah, he missed out on your best performance, and that's on him."

"Seriously, guys," said Lea, "it's okay. I'm fine."

"You sure, Honey?"

Lea swallowed her tears, and tried to fake a smile. "Yeah, I'm—I'm good."

"Aww, okay, if you're sure."

"Hey, the good news is, I got the whole thing on HD video," said Damian.

"There you go," said Bri. "Now, you and him can watch it together."

"Thanks, guys," said Lea.

And, where was Ivan during the show? Well, he was at Ike's, his favorite bar, drinking beer and watching baseball. He was about three beers in when Val walked in.

"Hey," she said happily as she sat next to him at the bar. "I thought you'd be at Lea's choir concert."

"Hell no," said Ivan.

"You don't like choral music?"


Val snickered. "Me, neither. That's why I didn't go."

"Yeah, and she keeps fuckin' nagging at me to go to her damn concerts, but truthfully, I'd rather fuck fifty cactuses while simultaniously swallowing a hundred live bees."

"Eww, jeez. Why don't you just tell her you don't wanna go?"

"Because, she'll make me feel guilty if I tell her. She's so fucking sensitive."

Val scoffed. "Yeah, I know. Like, everything hurts her feelings. I mean, if you point out one flaw, she'll literally burst into tears."

"Yeah, like every time I tell her she needs to lose weight, she gets super mad at me."

"Ugh, being her friend is exhausting."

"Try being her boyfriend."


"Yeah, I know, and when we go on dates, she won't stop begging me to come inside for sex, and I keep having to make up excuses to get out of it."

"Is it really that bad?"

"Let's just put it this way. I'd get more pleasure fucking a drunk porcupine."

Val burst out laughing. "No wonder every fucking guy she ever dated dumped her. They couldn't deal with her bullshit. She's a real piece of work."

Ivan scoffed. "You got that right."

"So, what are you gonna do?"

"I don't know, honestly."

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