Chapter 25

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In the morning, Lea was awoken by the sound of her phone dinging. It was letting her know she was receiving messages on Facebook Messenger. She got out of bed, did her business, and brushed her teeth. Then, she went on her computer to check her messages. "What the hell?" she mumbled. "Who are these people?" She clicked on each message, and her heart sank when she read what they said.

"Kill yourself, slut."

"You disgust me. People like you should never be born. Go to hell."

"OMG you are so fat and ugly and gross looking! No wonder Ivan dumped you! Lose some fucking weight! Shit!"

"I can't believe you stole Val's boyfriend, you disgusting slut! You should be ashamed of yourself! Go die in a ditch!"

"Kill yourself, you dirty, fat, ugly whore!"

Tears shot out of Lea's eyes as more and more hateful messages appeared in her inbox. Then, she saw that Val had tagged her in a post. She clicked on it to see what it said.

"So, after two years of pure hell, Ivan and I are finally together. It was torture for me, because Lea Foley stole him from me. Yeah, I already had my eye on him. She knew that, and she still stole him from me. Then, she still had the nerve to call herself my friend! But, I secretly hated her. I was only nice to her, because she was best friends with my best friend. It was torture for Ivan, because Lea treated him like absolute shit! She guilted him into doing what she wanted. She manipulated him, and she made him feel like total trash! She plain abused him, until he couldn't take it anymore! Then, he finally came to his senses, and dumped her sorry ass. Now, she's probably crying like the little bitch she is, because she knows she no longer has control over his life... or mine for that matter. She is the most annoying, whiny, manipulative, overly clingy, overly sensitive piece of shit, and I wish I never met her. I honestly think this world would be so much better if she was never born. Whatever. At least Ivan and I are finally together, and we're happier than we've ever been. So, fuck you, Lea Foley! You lost!"

Bri and Sméagol arrived a few minutes later.

"Lea?!" Bri called. "Lea! Where are you, Sweetie?!"

"Lea!" a worried Sméagol called out.

Just then, they heard a loud crash and hysterical sobbing and screaming.

"Lea!" Sméagol shrieked.

"Oh, my God, Lea!" Bri shouted as she and Sméagol hurried up the stairs.

They found her in her bathroom, aggressively rummaging through her drawers and cabinets. There were random objects scattered all over the floor. They rushed to her, and wrapped her in a warm, tight embrace.

"Lea!" Bri cried. "Shhh, it's okay, Sweetheart. It's okay."

"I hate myself!" Lea cried hysterically. "I wanna fucking die! I wanna die!"

"No, Sweetie, don't say that." Bri gently caressed Lea's head and back.

"I'm a horrible person!"

"No, no, you're not, Lea. You did nothing wrong."

"Why is it so sad, Precious?" Sméagol asked.

"She's getting bullied online," said Bri. "Val posted some horrible things about her on Facebook."

"What did it say about Lea?"

"I'll tell you later, Sweetie. It's really bad."

Sméagol kissed Lea's cheek with tears in his eyes.

Lea was shaking, dizzy, and nauseous from the overwhelming emotions. She tried to stand up, but felt very lightheaded.

"Come on, Sweetheart." Bri took one hand. Sméagol took hold of the other, and they both helped her to her bedroom.

She climbed into bed, and crawled under the covers.

"Sméagol, will you stay with her while I clean up the mess in the bathroom?" Bri asked.

"Of course, Precious," Sméagol said sweetly. "We stay with Lea."

"No," Lea wept, "I'll clean it up later."

"It's okay, Honey," said Bri. "I don't mind. It's not that bad. You just rest." Bri then tiptoed back into the bathroom to clean up the mess.

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