11: Secret

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Lol ew what the fck kind of chapter is this.

Harry's POV

My level of determination had fallen, and no matter how many times I told myself that she would notice me again and see me for the man that I was, I could never find the motivation to try and talk to her. My negative thoughts that were also the ghosts of my past had slipped into the cracks and gaps of an impenetrable wall and they dug themselves home under my skin.

I wasn't saying that I was the greatest guy for her because there were loads of others that were potentially better than I ever could be, but I was a person who had learned from mistakes so I could treat her fairly, protect her from all possible harm, and forever be grateful that she was involved in my life. However, it was sounding as though she wanted nothing to do with my existence - hence the reason why my motivation was decreasing rapidly.

She was hooked to Michael's side as if they were sewn together with thread that couldn't be frayed. No matter how many times I tried to drag her away from him in effort to speak to her alone, she always crawled on her hands and knees back to him like a lost puppy. I knew that I should have felt some sort of sympathy for Michael, since he had been brutally beaten by a gang, but all of the emotions buried within the pit of my stomach crawled through my limbs and traveled to my brain, causing for a sudden turn in plans. I couldn't give sympathy for him because he had something that I wanted and something that I would kill for.

It was terrible to admit such a thing, even to myself, but my jealousy was always in the way, fogging my vision and preventing me from thinking clearly. I couldn't ever weave around the problem as it always found it's way to jump out and tackle me, desperate and determined to be noticed.

As of now, it was nearly 5pm and everyone's sleeping schedules were out of wack. Many people within the group had decided to crash after holding a rather long discussion with the both notorious Laura and Niall. We'd been mapping out our plans and discussing things a bit more throughly before we made anything official with everyone's consent. It went smoothly as Laura and Niall became very detailed in the specific moves we would make in result of the details Liam and I had given to them.

We described Carlisle's headquarters in California and Laura had written down the specifics of what needed to be done, purchased, or organized. It all felt a little foreign to me to map out a plan with a group of people, all disscussing as to how we were going to brutally murder a specific person who was trying to their filthy hands wrapped around our necks. After spending a rather large amount of time in a building made from almost nothing but concrete walls, Carlisle had mapped out his own plans to ruin us. As Carlisle developed his own mischievous plan, we would have ours to follow from.

"So," Laura began, boosting herself up onto the flats her feet. She braces herself by taking a heavy inhalation of air and setting her hands together. "I think now is a more appropriate time than any else to introduce you guys to probably the most intimidating, or tempting of rooms in this house." Raising her eyebrows up into an arch, her eyes traveled between Liam and I.

Liam, detaching his attention away from the television show that was playing on the flat screen in front of him, turned to look at Laura and raised a single eyebrow in her direction. "I'm not liking the way that you had put that," he said, frowning slightly, his teeth gnawing into his lower lip. "I sure hope this specific room is proofed from idiots." Liam directed his thumb in my direction, aiming his words towards me.

I shot him a dark glare, catching his thumb and wrapping my hand tightly around the digit, squeezing tightly. "Watch yourself," I said. "Your humor can only stretch so far, my friend."

Niall nearly flew out from his seat, hopping onto his feet and staring at Laura with sharpened eyes. "You are not about to do what I think you're going to do," he said, voice firm, his shoulders squared as his muscles tensed up. "You couldn't have chosen a more inconvenient time, Laura."

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