13: Flight 254

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Greetings, my fellow readers. It has been a while. So I am really crappy at updating on a schedule, but I am going to make a promise to update once every week. A promise. I won’t break it... Probably not. Let’s just see where this takes us.

Sam’s POV

 It’s repulsive to try and reason with why an individual would brutally tear a living being apart piece by piece, but I couldn’t fight my mind by trying to. Who in their right mind would have the guts to commit such a horrible thing? How could they possibly tolerate the metallic, salty smell of freshly exposed blood? My stomach churned, devils crawling underneath my skin and raining sheets of goosebumps over my body, the hairs on the back of my neck standing on end.

 Immediately after the gruesome discovery of Luke and Rebecca’s death, Laura and Niall called immediate evacuation of the house. She ordered Niall to contact someone to get rid of their bodies – proclaiming that no one could find out what had happened.

 I wasn’t expecting our departure to be this sudden, but it had to be done underneath the many dangerous circumstances. For all we know, Carlisle’s hired men could be standing in the back garden with pistols in their hands, ready to fire and kill. I wasn’t going to take any chances, so I immediately followed orders.

 I felt numb, my emotions boiling over within me, the want to crumble over in grief over the death of my best friend and her beloved boyfriend so strong that I could hardly stand properly without my legs wobbling. But now was not a good time to let it show – I had to get Michael out from bed, onto his feet, and pack our belongings quickly so we would be able to leave and scuttle in a hurry to the airport to catch the closest possible flight to the United States.

 I burst into the room, closing the door immediately as I entered.

 “Sam?” Michael would repeat as I moved around in haste through our room, picking up some dirty articles of clothing that were scattered all around the floor. I ignored Michael’s questioning, my heart racing far too fast for me to come to a sudden stop like he wanted. His voice was urgent as he slowly propped himself up to a sitting position, his eyes focused on me as I stuffed everything into our luggage bags.

 I didn’t notice my wrestled breathing, or the relentless tears trickling out from my eyes. At the time, I wasn’t able to feel anything but the crippling pain within my chest. There was no way to stop it now that I was a quivering mess, trying to pack everything before someone else was brutally slaughtered and their body was mailed to their family’s doorstep.

 “For fuck’s sake, Sam!” Michael’s voice strained, anxious to gain my attention. I froze in place as I was stuffing some of Michael’s graphic tees into his bag. “Tell me what’s happening,” he said, swallowing heavily as he lowered the volume of his voice. “I don’t… I don’t understand.”

 I pulled my quaking fingers through my hair, pulling at some strands just to feel pain elsewhere. Letting out a shaky breath, I quickly stepped over the mess on the floor and take a seat beside Michael on the bed. I bit down on my lower lip, gently laying my hand on Michael’s leg. “We need to leave,” I said softly, my voice wavering and fragile. “Carlisle’s… Carlisle’s men are onto us. They know where we all are.”

 Struggling at first, Michael slid closer to me, looking me directly in the eye, his eyebrows drawn together. His face has, for the most part, healed from the brutal beating he received from the same men that had murdered Luke and Rebecca. “What happened?” he asked me firmly, his hand reaching out and resting on my shoulder.

 My right hand flew up to my mouth, my bottom lip quivering and my jaw straining, sobs welling up in the midst of my throat. Michael, with soft eyes, wrapped his arms around my waist and brought me close, allowing me to cry into his shoulder, dampening his shirt with my hot tears as they fell at a rapid pace from my eyes. One of Michael’s hands ran comfortingly up and down my back, remaining silent as I whimpered and sobbed into his shoulder.

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