10: Special

362 29 15

Lmao, I really suck at updating. I am so sorry.

Kyla's POV.

I woke up to the early rays of light from the morning sun falling onto my face, the beams spilling from the cracks in between the blinds. I inhaled heavily, filling my lungs to the brim with a fresh batch of oxygen. I exhaled just as heavily, dragging out my breath as my eyelids cracked to a small opening. I let my hands fly up to my face, my clammy palms running down my cheeks and resting at the base of my neck.

Looking around at my surroundings, it took me a while to register my setting. I hummed lightly in remembrance, faintly bringing back the memory of last night. Laura had lead Calum and me to this room. This guest room wasn't the largest of all of them. It was a fairly decent size, containing a double bed and a pull out couch. I had insisted to Calum that since I sat on the bed first that I would sleep on it.

At the thought of Calum, I craned my neck to the side, my eyes looking over the pull-out couch where he'd slept. I furrowed my brow as I saw nothing but strewn sheets at the foot of the bed, I presumed that Calum had already woken up and traveled downstairs for breakfast.

I peeled the warm bed covers from my body, mentally bracing myself for a cold splash of air to hit my skin. I shivered at the sudden sensation, running my hands up and down my arms in hopes of gaining some warmth. I sighed slightly as I tried to rub my fingers through my knotty hair, my fingers becoming caught. With a elastic band around my wrist, I flipped my hair, and with swift movements, snapped my hair up into a messy bun. Some chunks were sticking out at the sides, but I couldn't bring myself to care.

Swinging my legs over the side of the bed, I slowly lowered myself to the floor, my bare feet coming in contact with the cold wooden flooring. I boosted myself up onto the flat of my feet and snatched Calum's jacket on the floor, pushing my arms through the long sleeves and pulling it over my shoulders. Enveloped in Calum's over-sized jacket, I begin to make my way out of the room, my bare feet tapping against the golden wood flooring.

The hallways were tall and had plenty of room, almost too much space for me to comprehend as to why only two people needed this much room in a house.

My thoughts were abruptly interrupted when small clatters filled my ears - as if pebbles were dropped to the ground. My head whipped around, my eyes widening at the sight before me. A large figure - an animal - was darting past me and down the hallway, bounding down the steps with a little bit of a hop in its strides.

My jaw slacked as I watched the large animal disappear, in awe of the size. I only noticed after a few moments of standing that I had gone still, shaking my head and returning to my calm walk down the hallway in the direction of the steps.

Padding my way easily down the steps, I took a sharp turn in the direction of the kitchen, a warm and delicious aroma filling my nostrils as I gradually made my way into the kitchen, following the smells and stopping mid-step as I discovered a small gathering along the island and bar.

My eyebrows scrunched to meet one another in the middle, my eyes flickering around the kitchen and observing the figures that stood. I caught Harry's slim and broad figure slaving over the stove, preparing what smelled like a delicious breakfast. While I was heavily salivating at the pleasant aroma that filled my nose, I caught the figures of Liam and Laura by the bar while an unfamiliar guy stood at the island, impatiently tapping his fingertips against the countertop, staring at a tea spot sitting upon a hot burner.

The boy had a messy head of blonde hair, a dark layer of brunette roots visible underneath the patch of blonde. His eyes were a vivid and brilliant blue, distracting and surely beautiful - probably one of the most alluring features following his perfectly pink tinted lips and pale porcelain skin.

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