17: Look After You

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Louis' POV

The numbness that had formed in my hands and feet were becoming unbearable. I wish there were something like a switch to turn off any signals of pain and suffering. It became unknown to me as to how I hadn't screamed for my release and the girls.

I was chewing down on the cloth that had been tied around my head and stuffed uncomfortably into my mouth to muffle all of the threats or pleas that wanted to spill.

I would occasionally try to move my fingers, but I found no luck in that. I would sigh dramatically, staring into nothing but blackness. I had to have been stuck in a separate room from the girls. I felt constricted. I could feel the walls close in on me.

The cold ground beneath me made the numbness in my digits and toes even more unpleasant, adding to the cold that washed over my entire being. I felt as though I was a human ice cube. My teeth would be chattering together if it weren't for the cloth soaked in the saliva between my teeth.

My breathing was uneven and erratic, coughing and sputtering from the bitter chill of the secluded area I was being kept in. My shoulders would have felt more relieved if I had them torn from my body. The extended amount of time spent with my arms tied was not something that I enjoyed inducing.

My cheeks were stained with tears as well. I could see nothing but images of Rosie and El held somewhere in the hands of Carlisle's men. I swallow down a hazardous sob as soon as my ears picked up the slightest sound of distant footsteps clunking against the floor.

The doorknob jiggled and whoever was on the other side unlocked it, pulling the door open. Artificial light from the ceiling in the hallway spilled into the small area, blinding me from the sudden rays. I squinted in effort to make out the dark figure that stood before me, but I couldn't tell the individual by his silhouette.

I was roughly dragged from the room, the man holding onto me by the collar of my shirt. His aggressive tugs at my clothing and his powerful hold made me a weak match for him. All that I could do was simply lay back and take whatever possible blows he would give to me.

"He's been waiting to meet you, Louis," said the man, his intimidating and velvety voice filling my ears, ringing throughout my skull. It sent chills down my spine as he chuckled darkly at me. "He's ready to interrogate you and all of your friends."

My heart flew into my throat at his words. I had difficulty taking breaths in through my nose as he dragged me like a useless rag doll to a destination that must have been down the hall. We reached a closed door, the man knocking on the hardwood before someone from inside called for him to enter.

Immediately, as the door was opened, I was thrown into the room as if I was a sack of flour. My collision with the floor was unpleasant, a grunt slipping from my lips as the side of my body that braced the impact with the hard ground began to throb. I glanced back, and just as quickly as the door opened, it was closed shut.

My eyes flickered around the room until they landed on the people that meant the most to me. El and Rosie's pleas and sobs were nearly muted by the cloths that were shoved into their mouths.

It was who stood behind Rosie, tightening the ropes, that made bugs crawl underneath my skin. The man straightened his posture, his warm yet malicious brown eyes fixed on me. His lips spread into a shark-like grin, exposing all of his brilliant white teeth. Some stubble was peppered across his jaw, a few speckles of grey hair visible in his dark chestnut hair and stubble.

"I haven't seen you in what seems like two years, Tomlinson," Carlisle said, ending his words with an evil chuckle that resonated throughout his chest. "I've missed you."

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