16: A Dangerous Conflict

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Harry's POV

After our arrival to this new and unfamiliar setting in the midst of a dense green forest, I'd had loads of difficulty adjusting to the peculiar feelings that had settled in my stomach. Not only was I being bitter about having to sleep on the couch, but the scarcity of space between Michael and Sam developed into a new found type of annoyance to me. Something like a bee hovering and buzzing by my ear.

It was now our second night of sleeping in the safety of the cabin's walls. I was lying on my back with my hands overlapping one another upon my abdomen and I became very attentive of my surroundings, making it a struggle to fall asleep. Staring blankly into the overwhelming darkness above me, I listened to nothing but the soft clicking of a modern clock hung on the wall by the front door. The quiet never seemed so unsettling to me, and neither had the dark. I was itching and squirming to find an excuse to drag Sam by the arm and express all of the things that I had cooped up inside of me.

Excusing how ridiculous and possessive I sounded, I would have taken any possible chances I had to let her know how I was rotting on the inside at the simple sight of her just holding hands with Michael.

When I had finally let my eyelids flutter to a close, my ears perked at the slightest sound of a door creaking open. I glanced over at the recliner chair where Ashton was in a deep and heavy slumber, his mouth hanging open. His soft breathing was enough for me to conclude that he was in a clear state of sleep. He surely didn't wake up or hear the noise.

Deciding to follow and feed my curiosity, I perched myself upward on my elbows and squinted into the darkness. If I stared hard enough, I could barely notice the swift figure of Sam shrewdly escaping from the room that she shared with Michael, retreating to the front door. Her arms were crossing her chest and she slipped out the door without any sort of hesitation.

I slowly sat up from my lying position on the couch, lifting my torso further upward from my angled elbows on the uncomfortable set of cushions. After questioning myself about her swiftness, I decided to thrust it all aside and let myself figure it out by stepping out onto the front porch.

The door creaked as I entered the premises of the porch, watching Sam lighting the many candles that sat upon the wooden railing and some small side tables by the numerous chairs. She held a lighter in her hand, bouncing around to each candle to create a light source.

"I want to be left alone," she said, automatically sensing my presence at the door. "I'd really appreciate it if you left."

I immediately brushed her irritation off as soon as she tried to make it obvious for me. I wasn't worried the least about her meager tone of anger at my stubborn ways. I leaned my back against the closed door, cocking my head to the side. I watched her with curious eyes and she flicked her wrist, rolling it in a circle before placing the lighter down onto one of the various chairs scattered along the porch.

"What brought you out here?" I asked, acting as though she didn't mind my company. Tucking my hands underneath my arms, I let my teeth nibble down into the plump flesh of my lower lip.

She then turned herself around, her tired gaze meeting mine. I felt all of the energy keeping me up on my feet suddenly draining out from my body when we locked eyes. Her exhaustion was so conspicuous, it sent worrisome signals to my brain, causing for my posture to straighten at the sight of her fatigue.

"No reason," she said in monotone. "I really want some alone time. Clearly you didn't hear me when I said something about wanting time to myself."

I hummed, using my foot to push myself off from the door, then slowly approaching her with languid steps, my heels occasionally nipping at the floorboards. "I know something's up, you're exhausted to the bone, and you know that I'm always here to listen to your relentless banter, no matter how stupid it may be."

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