07: Hurt

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Harry's POV

I was restless the night that I had worked my entire body out in the hotel's gym space. Looking back at my subconscious and at the way that I was pushing myself to keep moving forward into lifting weights or jogging for an extended period of time, I forgot about a little thing called limits. Being the way that I was to release stress, I figured that hard labor in working my muscles would keep my thoughts away from the fact that I was going to have to speak to Sam in the near future.

Despite my large attempts in trying to distract myself from facing the inevitable, I couldn't seem to tear my thoughts away from my imaginations of coming face-to-face with her while Michael was hovering over her shoulder, his eyes piercing into mine that mutely warned me about what I was deciding to tell her. I had a wave of shivers rack throughout my body but I managed to push through with it by jogging on the treadmill for another ten minutes.

After having finished my time at the gym, I had soaked my clothes and was in desperate need of a shower to wash away all of the sweat and grime that trickled in droplets down my body. I was sure to regret having to add so much time of my sleep into working out my muscles. I had returned back to the hotel room and hopped into the shower, briskly cleaning myself off with a bar of soap and giving my head of curls a short lather with some of the shampoo that was sitting on the sink counter.

After stepping out from the shower and drying myself off, I slipped on a pair of briefs and stepped back into the room. My eyes landed on Liam's sleeping figure as he was huddled underneath the covers, his limbs spread out every which way, some peeking out from underneath the bed covers. He was a bit of a restless person while sleeping.

I sighed lightly at him before tearing my eyes away and tossing my dirty pile of clothing next to my own luggage bag, plopping myself down on the mattress. I was restless throughout the whole night, never finding myself to be comfortable, no matter the position I was in or if I was wrapped up in a blanket or not. I found myself lying on my back for hours on end, staring up blankly at the ceiling as I let myself think about what was to come.

I spent hours thinking about the possibilities that were lying before me and the rest of the others that consisted of the group. I was swallowing thickly at the brutal outcomes and the corners of my lips were twitching slightly upwards at the good ones. I folded my hands and let them lie on my lower abdomen, my thumbs tapping against the aching muscles that were screaming from the soreness that I brought to them after spending a bit too much time in the gym.

Again, in my defense, I was trying to rid myself of all the worries that were piling into my shoulders.

Good things were beginning to happen for everyone else in the group. Liam managed to beat all odds and ran into his sister at the airport in his hometown. Louis was engaged to a beautiful woman and had a beautiful child by his side. Sam had moved forward and managed to get into a relationship with a boy whom she liked and who returned the same mutual feeling.

There were positive things happening to everyone else while I was lying here laying in a rather uncomfortable mattress with no family by my side to support me, no beloved individual to proclaim as mine, and I was one of the few names marked down on a death list for an individual who was seeking bloody revenge.

I sat up suddenly, running my fingers through my damped head of curls as I thought everything through, overlooking my situation before me as I was deciding whether this really was the most difficult and painful situation to be through or if I was just over exaggerating it.

Either way, it fucking hurts to not be wanted by someone who means initially everything to you.

I let out a drawn out breath as I reached out to the night stand that was placed in between both of the beds, patting around the surface in hopes of finding a remote to flick on the flat screen TV in front of me. Being unfortunate, I found nothing but an atomic alarm clock that wasn't even plugged in.

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