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Real Time

      It hurt to open her eyes. She had a splitting headache that caused a throbbing sensation on the back of her eyes and in her sinuses. She sighed and sat up, her body aching and her tics hitting her hard from not getting given her Tourette's meds seeing as she was out.

      She looked around the hospital room and attempted to remember what happened. She couldn't for the life of her but she remembered what happened beforehand. She knew it was a seizure because it was a similar feeling. But she hadn't had this feeling in forever. It must of been serious since both of her moms were here and Chase was laying on the couch, curled up with a hospital blanket over top of him sleeping.

     Liz and Lindsay were both asleep in chairs and Roy turned to look at the clock and saw it was four in the morning. Royce reached up and pulled off the oxygen tube and cleared her throat. "Mom?"

     All three of them woke up quite quickly at the sound of her voice and both of her moms engulfed her in a hug. She chuckled and let out a soft groan from the aching feeling and her arm twitched and Liz pressed the button for a nurse.

      They allowed Chase to see her and she smiled up at him and wrapped her arms around his neck as he bent over and hugged her close. She inhaled his scent and didn't want to let go. "Lay with me." She whispered as pulled back the blanket to allow Chase to crawl in.

      "So what happened?" Royce asked as she snuggled up against him and her tics slowed down a bit.

       "You had a grand mal two days ago."

       "Two days ago?!" Royce exclaimed as she reached to grab her phone off the table to see multiple text messages from everyone. Even some of the tour members that she wasn't that close with like Sam and Josh.

     "I couldn't find my pills that's why I didn't take them. Otherwise I would've taken them." Royce explained to her family about why this happened and they both nodded softly.

      "We know peanut." Liz said, rubbing her leg softly. Lindsay sat down on the edge of the bed.

      "Cynthia had your pills. They were hidden in her suitcase because she grabbed them when the two of you were still talking and she just couldn't find a time to give them to you." Lindsay said and Royce's brows furrowed.

     She touched her temple and winced as it aches and she sighed. "Has Cynthia come to visit?" They all nodded and Royce grabbed her phone and opened it to text Cynthia.

iMessages Today 4:12am

Idk if you're still awake but hi

Royce, you're okay

Yeah I am.
Any chance you can come to the hospital?

Of course
I'll be there in 15

Real Time

     Roy waited patiently until Cynthia arrived. The nurses did multiple checkups and took some blood to ensure she was okay. They wanted to keep her another night to make sure her meds were working and that she wouldn't seize in her sleep.

     Chase also explained everything to her that had happened while she was out.

     Roy had done a lot of thinking. She was dreaming quite a bit over the course of the two days and it had finally helped her come to a conclusion. Especially now that she knows that she would have died if it wasn't for that elderly couple. There was a card left by them, wishing her a quick recovery.

      Cynthia knocked on the door slightly and Roy could see how beaten up she was. She was pale, bags under eyes which were dark purple. She was in a hoodie and sweats which Roy assumed that Cynthia hadn't changed out of for a couple days. She just didn't look well.

     "Can we have a couple minutes?" Roy asked them and they all left the room, Chase giving Roy a gentle but longing kiss before he left.

Royce sat up fully and patted the bed. Cynthia came and sat down, kicking off her sandals and sat criss cross. Cynthia was already starting to tear up.

     "Hey, look at me." Royce said and brought her hand that wasn't connected to the I.V to lift her face and look at her in the face.

      "I'm okay. I forgive you. These past couple days I've been dreaming a lot. I was happy. Because I was with my boyfriend, and best friends by my side. You were there Cynth." Royce paused for a moment to look at Cynthia who seemed to relax. "Knowing that I could have died, I don't know what I would've done if the last things I said to you were harsh and cruel. I'm sorry." Royce continued on as her own tears fell.

    "Royce I'm so sorry. I haven't been clear in the head and it shows. I promise you, I swear on my life, I'm getting over Chase. It's hard but I'm trying. I've been talking to a friend of mine from Toronto and he's been helping a lot." Cynthia had wiped her tears even though they kept coming.

     "I'm sorry I didn't give you your meds. This is all my fault." Cynthia started sobbing and Royce got up on her knees and leaned forward giving Cynthia a well deserved hug. Cynthia broke down in Royce's arms and all Royce did was say it was okay, and run her fingers through her hair.

      "I don't blame you. I don't blame anybody. Everything happens for a reason babe. Everything. This was meant to happen okay?" Royce explained and Cynthia hugged Royce tighter and the two cried. Chase knocked and came in.

      "Cynthia I apologize for everything that I said to you. I was scared, hurt, and wanted to blame somebody for making me feel this way. So I'm sorry Cynthia." Chase apologized and Royce got up off the bed to hug chase properly. Chase hugged her back and Cynthia accepted his apology.

     "I'm sorry for scaring you guys. I never meant to hurt you guys I just I was bottling everything up and it just snapped. I'm sorry." Royce apologized to the both of them and they both shook their heads.

     "Don't apologize. It wasn't you're fault okay?" Cynthia responded and stood up and hugged Royce properly as well as chase.

Royce felt a little lightheaded so they sat her down on the bed and she sighed. "It's okay. It's normal. I'll be okay I promise." Royce muttered and held her head by the temple.

     "Peekaboo!" Anthony popped his head in Royce lit up at her best friend.

    "Anfony!" She made a grabbing motion at him and he came over and hugged her tightly and lifted her off the bed to her feet.

     "I'm so glad you're okay." He muttered into her should and she chuckled. "Why didn't you tell me that you had epilepsy and Tourette's?"

     "When I tell people I have epilepsy and or Tourette's they look at me like I'm a disease and they have to walk on eggshells. I didn't want that. I didn't want to lose you. I know it's stupid to think about but it's happened before." Royce explained as Chase motioned her to sit back down on the bed and she obliged as her legs ached.

      "Don't ever hide shit like that from me ever again." Anthony jutted a finger at her and she shivered and stuck her tongue out at him. "Fine you headass."


Hi babies!!! I hope you enjoyed it. I only have a couple chapters planned left but if you really enjoy it I'll probably make a sequel! Let me know!

PleSe vote and comment :(( you guys make me so happy when I see your comments omgmgmgmg

I love you! Please try and have a good day/night!

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