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Real Time

     Chase sat in the waiting room his elbows resting on his knees and his head in his hands. Noen, Anthony, and avani all sat near him. He hadn't slept since he found out about Royce. He was waiting for Liz and Lindsay to arrive before going to visit her. Her moms need to see her first. Family first.

      The doors opened and he looked up and saw the couple. He stood up first and walked over and the two women engulfed him into a hug. "What happened?" Liz asked as she sniffled.

      "Cynthia and Royce have been in this small fight because Cynthia has feelings for me and is trying to take me away from her. Royce snapped at Cynthia because she was flirting with the other guys and they got into this big argument and Royce stormed off. She was out by Times Square when she had a grand mal but an old couple was there and helped her and called 911." Chase explained quickly. His eyes were watery as he tried to fight by the tears.

      "Has she been taking her meds?" Lindsay asked and Chase sighed and turned to the others. Only avani knew about Cynthia.

       "Cynthia had her pills and didn't give them to Roy for the past two days." Chase sighed and rubbed his eyes to try and rid the tiredness in them.

      "She what?!" Liz's voice raised and Chase jumped ever so slightly. Although Liz was short and had a very innocent appearance, she was terrifying when angry.

"I had no idea. Roy just thought she left them at one of the hotels and another bottle was on the way but that wasn't the case." Chase explained and Lindsay nodded and gave him another hug.

"Thank you Chase." Liz sighed. She was still angry but Liz had a soft spot for Chase. He was a very kind person and was never rude to Roy, or anyone older then him if they weren't his friends.

Over the past weeks Chase has made her more happy then anyone could have. He made her feel worth the love, and that she deserved to be there and with him. It was evident they were in love and cared deeply about one another.

"We talked to the doctors. They're coming in every half hour with updates. You're allowed to come see her." Lindsay rubbed the boy's back and led him out. Each of them would be able to see her even though she was still unconscious.

They led him to her room and allowed him some privacy with her. She was laying down flat, an oxygen tube wrapped around her ears and resting in her nose. She had an I.V in her arm to keep her hydrated and she was slightly pale. She had a couple scratches on her arms from shaking on the grass and a nasty bruise on her temple from after the man turned her on her side.

He couldn't fight back the tears that welled in his eyes at the sight of her. He moved closer and pulled a chair up to the bed. He sat and grabbed her hand, clutching it and bring his lips to it. He sniffled as a couple tears fell. It wasn't a rare thing to be unconscious for a couple hours, sometimes a day or two after a grand mal, or for more scientific terms a tonic-clonic for her.

Due to her Tourette's feeding into the exhaustion of her body, it was normal for her entire body to be exhausted after a seizure but grand mal's were worse. She normally slept for around ten hours after a grand mal and since she hit her head it was a little longer.

"Oh buby. I'm so sorry." He sobbed as he rested his head down on her end and cried. He hasn't felt fear like this before and it scared. It scared him to know that the love of his life could have died. He just wanted her to wake up and tell him that it's okay and she'll be okay. He wanted her to wake up and call him a bitch boy because even though he said it annoys him or he didn't like it he secretly loves it because of the cheeky smile that always raised her lips when she called him that.

He loved the little things she did like doodle random shapes on his arm with her finger or draw in cursive on his arms or back or stomach or chest even though it tickled on hi lower stomach and sides.

He loved when she would just dance randomly or walk up behind him and give him a hug and rest her head on his back and press kisses to his back.

He loved when she would just randomly reach out and make grabbing motions at him and he would come up to her and pick her up to hug her, or he would lay down on top of her because she enjoyed the warmth and the weight and it normally put her to sleep.

He loved the way she laughed, especially when she laughed so hard that she would throw her head back and sometimes a snort would come out and she'd be embarrassed but he would think it was adorable and he'd tackle her and kiss her all over her face.

      He loved the way she treated everyone with the same amount of respect and love and trusted everyone. She saw the good in everyone but she normally got hurt because of that. This was one of those situations.

      "I know you're going to wake up. And I'll be here. I'm not going anywhere. The tour is on hold for now until you're better. We've just posted very little details saying that you're in the hospital and that you'll be okay soon. Your moms are taking time off work and staying with you until the end of the tour because they both know that even after this you're not going to go home with them no matter how much they ask." Chase explained after raising his head and looking at her.

      Her breathing was regular as well as her heartbeat. He stood up and leaned over and pressed a very gentle kiss to her forehead before sitting back down and just rubbing his thumb along her hand. He was humming one of her songs very lightly. It was a song she had written about him but never wanted to produce it because she didn't think it was good enough. She played it for him a couple times on her guitar and singing and whenever he thought about her which was very very often. Almost constantly, it got stuck in his head.

      He felt her fingers twitch and he looked up but it must have been a tic. But her moms said it was a good sign because it meant she was getting closer to waking up. He smiled softly and pressed another kiss to her hand.

      "You'll be okay. I know you will."

This one was all set in real time. I'm trying to get out as many chapters as possible before Tuesday because then I'll be gone until Friday because I'm going camping.

So yeah! Please vote and comment!

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I love you guys and thank you!

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