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THE OMINOUS SOUND of sirens rang through the skies, as Edmund and Eliza stood by their window, fascinated by the bombing planes flying overhead, as the occasional flash of orange illuminated the neighbourhood. "EDMUND! ELIZA! get away from there!" Their mother exclaimed, pulling the twins away from the window as her frail hands fumbled to close the curtains. "PETER!" The woman called out making the older boy come bounding into the twins room.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Their mother yelled, shaking Edmund as Eliza just clutched his hand tightly. "Peter, quickly, the shelter!". The older boy grabbed Eliza by the wrist while her twin struggled to break free of Peters grip on his shoulder.

"Peter! Let go- we have to go back!" Eliza pleaded, her heart thumping as she remembered the photo of her father which was still inside their small home. The two were hurried outside as their sisters followed. The sounds of bombs dropping and exploding echoed through their small neighbourhood as they were ushered into the cellar. Just as Eliza was about to enter the cellar, Peter screamed in frustration and let go of Eliza. The girl whipped around only to see him sprinting back towards the house, Edmund ahead of him.

"EDMUND!" Eliza screamed, as she tried to run after only to be pulled back into her mothers embrace, "NO! EDMUND!". The girl struggled to try break free but her mother's hold was unwavering.

A deafening crash, made the floor shake and Eliza was pushed back into her older sisters arms, who securely stopped her from running back out into the open. The loud clatter of footsteps sent a small wave of relief through the girl, as her brother was tossed into the cellar. Eliza was quick to his side as he lay on the ground, covered in small cuts and gashes, the tattered photo of their father clutched in his hand.

"WHY CAN'T YOU THINK OF ANYONE BUT YOURSELF?!" Peter yelled down to the boy, his face going red in anger. "YOU'RE SO SELFISH! YOU COULD'VE GOTTEN US KILLED!".

"Peter!" Eliza snapped, making the older boy stop yelling. Edmund feverishly held out the broken frame of the photo in his hand, and everyone went silent upon seeing it as Eliza helped her twin sit up and pulled him into a tight hug, only to be pulled off him by her mother, who soon cradled him to her chest.

"Why can't you just do as you're told?" Peter asked, his voice cracking as Lucy continued to sob in the corner. The family of six, allowed themselves to be engulfed in the eeriness of the cellar, all of them breathing heavily as the bombs continued to create havoc. That night was the worst bombing they'd experienced yet and it was surely their last.

THE WHISTLING from the train snapped Eliza out of her thoughts, as hoards of people exited and boarded the train. Eliza stood feverishly beside Edmund watching as their mother hugged Lucy tightly, while the others waited for their tags to be pinned to them.

"If dad were here, he wouldn't make us go" Edmund whined as Eliza hit him lightly with wide eyes.

"If he were here, the war would be over and we wouldn't have to go." Peter hissed in frustration, making Edmund roll his eyes grumpily. Their mother crouched down in front of the twins, holding a tag up to be pin it to Edmunds coat.

"You will listen to your brother, Edmund." Their mother continued, securely pinning his tag, standing up to pull the young boy in for a hug, despite the obvious signs he didn't want one. Eliza looked at her mother with a small frown as the woman bent down and pinned a tag to the girls red jacket.

"Eliza, you know Edmund will be reluctant to listen to Peter," she whispered lowly, trying to avoid the others from hearing, "If he'll listen to anyone, it'll be you." Eliza nodded and threw her arms around her mothers neck, causing the older woman to stumble back. Her mother placed a small kiss on the top of her head before pulling away and moving onto Peter.

Eliza turned to Edmund who displayed a look of disgust on his face, "Ed, look at me," the girl instructed, as the boy slowly met her eyes, "We'll be home before you know it. I promise." Her brother had a grouchy look, but Eliza could tell he wasn't as strong as he made himself out to be.

"Alright, off you go," Their mother told them, wiping a few stray tears off her cheeks. The group moved forward through the crowds, Susan clutching Lucy's hand and trying to take Edmunds as he grumbled lowly. Peter had taken Eliza's hand trying to not lose his sister in the mass of people gathered for the kids farewell. A lady abruptly stopped the five and checked their tags, trying to urge Peter to give her the tickets as the older boys gaze was set on the incoming soldiers.

"May I have your tickets, please?" The lady asked for the second time in exasperation, Susan scoffed in discontent and grabbed the tickets out of his hands and held them out for the woman to take, "On you go." The woman finished, lightly pushing the siblings forward onto the train, Peter grabbed Lucy's stray hand and stopped as she began to cry.

"Lucy, come on, we have to go" Peter said softly , tugging her arm slightly, pulling him closer to his side as he reassured her. Eliza looked down, and soon broke out of the grasp of her brother, walking forward to stand beside her twin. Edmund glanced at her and she offered him a weak smile, while he just shook his head.

The siblings stood as the train doors shut, Peter, Susan and Lucy all waved goodbye out the window, as Eliza stood in a comfortable silence beside Edmund. She knew that if she were to look out onto crowds of crying mothers, she'd let a tear slip, she had to be strong. She couldn't show that she was sad, not in front of her siblings. She had to keep up her 'strong and independent' demeanour, even if it meant not waving goodbye to her mother for the last time.


This chapter is so short eek

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