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ELIZA RAN TO THE EDGE of the cliff and looked down the banks of the river which was breaking into chunks of ice that floated away on the fast current. A frozen waterfall loomed on their left. Peter seemed to be assessing the situation, and holding Lucy's hand, the boy began to make his way down the bank, making Susan grab his arm in fear.

"We need to cross, now!" Peter yelled in frustration, while Eliza merely stared in horror at the cracking ice.

"Don't beavers make dams?" Eliza questioned in panic, looking down to the two beavers.

The beavers chuckled nervously, "I'm not that fast, dear." Mr Beaver replied while Peter yelled for them to get a move on.

"Wait! Will you just think about this for a minute?" Susan exclaimed, her eyes wide with terror.

"We don't have a minute." Peter shot back, clutching Lucy's hand tighter, making the girl gasp as she steadily climbed down the rocks.

"I'm just trying to be realistic." Susan defended herself, crossing her arms, the fear plastering her face.

"No, you're trying to be smart." Peter sneered, "As usual." The boy started to climb down the cliff face, soon followed by Eliza and the beavers, but Susan looked like she might stay but the howling of the wolves in the distance changed her mind and sent shivers down Eliza's back.

After a long climb down the cliff, they'd finally reached the bank of the river. Peter precariously placed a foot on the ice and water spurted up from underneath it.

"Wait. Maybe I should go first." Mr Beaver suggested, stepping forward and putting his hands up to stop them.

"Maybe you should." The older boy gulped, a sudden sense of fear washing over him. Mr Beaver stepped onto the ice and tested it out with his feet and tail, trying to find the strongest passage for them to take across.

"You've been sneaking second helpings, haven't you?" Mrs Beaver accused, pointing her finger at her husband.

"Well, you never know which meal's gonna be your last. Especially with your cooking." Mr Beaver laughed, The children began to follow Mr Beaver carefully across the ice. Eliza kept her eyes on her feet as she tried to tread as lightly as possible.

"If Mum knew what we were doing..." Susan mumbled in disgust, as pools of water from the melting ice filled their shoes.

"Mum's not here." Eliza snapped, keeping her attention on the cracking ice below them. The girl heard Lucy cry out and point to to top of the frozen waterfall where wolves ran across the other side of the river.

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