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THE MELODIOUS SOUND of a trumpet rang throughout the forest as Peter and Caspian led the Pevensie siblings and the Narnians through the trees. Eliza had broken away from her siblings and was idly talking to a centaur, who looked a small bit younger than the rest. The centaur gestured to the trees while he tried to recount the old Narnian tales.

"Did you believe the story?" Eliza asked, looking up at the creature, as they walked side by side.

"Which story, my Queen?" The centaur replied, tilting his head. The word 'queen' made the girl squirm uncomfortably, she had always hated being called that, she still did to that day.

"The one of my siblings and I." She said, glancing at Edmund, Susan and Lucy who were ahead of them, "Also I believe I have said it a hundred times in the last two minutes- please don't call me Queen, it makes me feel so- pompous." She let out a small chuckle, as the centaur nodded eagerly.

Dragos chuckled as he trotted, "Understood." He replied, "I guess I had always hoped it was real but Telmarines have a knack for crushing hope." The girl scrunched her eyebrows together, looking down at the forest floor as they walked.

"That's understandable." Eliza frowned, as they trekked up a hill, and stopped in their tracks. Aslan's How came into view. Peter had turned around and was motioning for her to join them at the top of the hill.

"I guess that's your cue." Dragos whispered, making the girl bid him goodbye and run towards her siblings who awaited her. Eliza stopped beside Edmund, who gave her a questionable look, that she merely shrugged off.

Centaurs stood on either side of the
entrance of Aslans How and raised their swords high, forming a bridge that the Pevensies could walk under. Eliza grinned at the sight, it felt like a dream being back here thousands of years later but thousands of years younger. Caspian stopped himself from walking forward and let the Pevensies go first.

Eliza smiled and nodded at every single centaur she passed, showing her respect. She turned to see a child centaur who was holding his sword dangerously low, his father soon correcting his fault. Eliza chuckled and wiggled her fingers at the child, as they entered the How.

Eliza's ears were filled with sounds of metal scraping and multiple other construction noises. The five Pevensies and Caspian turned the corner to find Narnians creating weapons. Prince Caspian faltered in front of the five, "It may not be what you are used to, but it is defensible." He stated sheepishly, gesturing to the Narnians who were working hard.

Susan, who had drifted towards another corridor turned to them, "Peter, you may want to see this." She said gravely. The Pevensies, approached her and the torches they carried illuminated carvings on the walls.

Elizas mouth opened slightly as she ran her fingers traced over an older version of herself, "It's us." She whispered lightly, her fingers dropping from the wall. The entire wall was covered with engravings of their Times in Narnia.

Lucy turned to Caspian in confusion, "What is this place?" She questioned as her siblings stayed mesmerized by the carvings.

Caspian looked baffled, "You don't know?" He responded in bewilderment, Caspian picked up a torch, which hung on the wall and led the five down a dark tunnel. Eliza glanced at Edmund who seemed entranced by the carving of himself, she placed a hand on his shoulder and the two followed their siblings and the Prince.

At the end of the tunnel, Caspian bent down letting his torch touch a small pillar, flames lit and fire spread around the room, unveiling statues, carvings of Narnians and Aslan. Eliza casted her eyes around the room and they landed on the cracked Stone Table in which Aslan had been resurrected.

Eliza walked forward, spotting a wall carving of her and Edmund with their swords clashed together, her twin joined her at the wall, as they both smiled remembering the fond memory of training in the meadows.

"If I manage to knock you to the floor once. I get possession of your maps and lists of voyages" Eliza bargained, as her sword was held high over her head. Edmund who stood opposite her grinned.

"And if I manage to knock you, I get control of at least one of your troops." He smirked cockily. Eliza tilted her head and nodded.

"Deal." She agreed, as the two circled each other, waiting for one of them to make the first move. Edmund sneered at her as they both assumed a high guard, the boy lurched forward cutting down with his sword.

Eliza parried quickly, swinging her sword in a circular motion. The two moved, back and forth, clashing swords, making a small group of onlookers stop and observe the two fighting. Sword fighting had become a second nature for Eliza, she had spent the past few weeks out on the meadow just training with other fauns and centaurs.

Edmund jumped up and brought his sword down, making Eliza throw her hands up- her sword in them of course, and stop Edmunds sword from hitting her. Eliza smirked with the point of her sword pointed towards Edmunds face.

The boy twirled his sword, knocking hers into the grass, he then thrusted his sword towards her side causing Eliza to leap backwards, and roll onto the grass to retrieve her sword. Her fingers wrapped around the hilt and she just about managed to deflect Edmunds incoming blow. The girl dropped into a crouch and swung her leg at his making him stumble and fall to the ground. She once again held the tip of her sword to his stomach

"Wanna say something before I embarrass you even more?" She teased, making the boy grumble in complaint.

"I yield" Edmund sighed in defeat, making Eliza laugh loudly and offer the boy a hand up only for him to pull her into the grass beside him. Clapping from the Narnians echoed around them as their king and queen lay on the ground in fits of laughter.

Eliza smiled fondly at the boy, who'd ruffled her hair, both obviously recalling that day of training. They turned back to their siblings, Lucy examined the carving of Aslan and slowly walked forward before stopping and facing them again.

Lucy had her eyebrows furrowed as she thought, "He must know what he's doing." She said as if almost doubting herself.

Peter cleared his throat slightly, "I think it's up to us now." He said, as all of their eyes trained on the carving of Aslan.

Uwu... this is probably the only thing I'll be updating all week because I have a bunch of prewritten chapters.

This week has been chaotic do far and it's only Tuesday.


My friend tried to commit suicide yesterday, and I was so scared I was going to lose her... please talk to people guys. I know you may feel lonely or sad but please talk to me or a parent, friend or anyone- speak up- be heard.

I love you all and stay safe my babies

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