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"TO BERUNA!" A Telmar knight shouted over the noise. The Telmarines began to close ranks and retreat back through the forests.

"AFTER THEM!" Peter shouted, the Narnians surged forwards trying to catch up with the fleeing Telmarines. Eliza jumped over tree roots and rocks scattered on the forest floor, her breathing steady as she sprinted alongside her siblings and Caspian.

The Narnians suddenly came to a halt at the edge of the forest, Eliza scrunched her eyebrows in confusion and pushed her way through the Narnians, to reach the front, where Peter stood firm. The Telmarines has stopped moving and instead, their eyes were glued to a figure at the end of their makeshift bridge.

As sense of overwhelming pride and shock washed over the girl as her eyes landed on Lucy, who stood holding her small dagger in her hand, at the end of the bridge. The smaller girl stood firm, not shaken by the size of Telmars army. Susan and Edmund shoved their way through the crowds to stand beside their siblings, all of them now fully armed and on edge.

Eliza's eyes widened significantly as the graceful, golden lion emerged from the woodland across the river to stand beside the youngest Pevensie. Eliza could hear the Telmarine leader yelling commands, and the troops began to scramble forwards, men began to wade through the deep waters to try reach the other side, Eliza felt the force of Aslans roar send shivers through her body, and as they stood still- something quite peculiar began to occur, the water level began to lower and in the blink of an eye, the water had formed a ginormous figure of water.

Eliza watched in astonishment at The river-god who had appeared. She had read about gods like him during her studies, but not once had she seen one in person. The river-god lifted up the bridge, cracking it right down the center, making soldiers tumble off the side. The Telmarine leader, who Eliza now recognized as Sopespian, stood alone on the piece of bridge in the river-god's hands. The leader swung his sword wildly as the water comes crashing down on him.

Eliza couldn't help but let a wide smile cover her face. It was over, they did it. Well- Lucy and Aslan did it.

It was over.


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ONE BY ONE, the Telmarines clambered out of the water, handing their swords to the Narnians. Peter, Susan, Eliza, Edmund, and Caspian dropped to their knees in from of Aslan, all of them bowing their heads in respect.

"Rise, kings and queens of Narnia." The lion nodded, making a small smile appear on Lucy's face. Peter, Susan, Eliza and Edmund all rose in unison, all of them disheveled and bruised from their time on the battlefield. Eliza glanced down at Caspian, who was still kneeling obediently.

Aslan looked down at the boy, "All of you." The lion said clearly, making Caspian look up waveringly.

Caspian awkwardly cleared his throat, "I do not think I am ready." The boy stated, a sense of sadness radiating from his words.

Aslan tilted his head, "It's for that very reason I know that you are." The lion replied, making Caspian stand up among the Pevensies.

Suddenly a slow, melancholy tune filled the air. Eliza looked down to her left where several mice walked up, carrying a wounded Reepicheep on a little, makeshift stretcher. Lucy stepped forward and gave Reepicheep a drop from her magical cordial. A moment passes and the mouse darted up, breathing heavily.

Reepicheep looked around, "Oh, thank you, Your Majesty..." he thanked Lucy graciously,
Reepicheep looked up, his eyes setting upon the mighty lion. "Oh, hail Aslan! It is a great honor to be—" The mouse tried to bow but stumbled forward. He glanced behind him and realized that his tail was no longer where it was meant to be.

Eliza winced, biting her lip as the mouse visibly gulped, "I am completely out of countenance. I must crave your indulgence for appearing in this unseemly fashion." Reepicheep enunciated, he turnt to Lucy, "Perhaps a drop more?"

He looked up at Lucy's cordial longingly, "I don't think it does that." She answered apologetically.

Reepicheep rubbed his hands together, "You can have a go!" He persisted.

Aslan chuckled lowly, "It becomes you well, Small One." The lion mused.

Reepicheep looked down uncomfortably, "All the same, great king, I regret that I must withdraw. For a tail is the honor and glory of a mouse." he said, gesturing his hands.

Aslan looked down at the small creature, "Perhaps you think too much of your honor, friend." Aslan advised.

"Well, it's not just the honor." Reepicheep continued, "It's also great for balance... and climbing... and grabbing things." Eliza watched a smile appear on Aslans face.

The other mice drew their swords and held them to their tails. "May it please your high Majesty, we will not bear the shame of wearing an honor denied to our chief." One of the nice said, his valiant voice making the lion Aslan laugh.

"Not for your honor, but for the love of your people..." the lion said, Reepicheep's tail began to sprout back.

Reepicheep looked down in shock, his small fingers running over it, "Oh, look! Thank you, thank you, my liege! I will treasure it always! From this day forward, it will serve as a great reminder of my huge humility." He announced.

Once again a warm laugh left the lion. Aslans turned to Lucy slowly, "Now, where is this dear little friend you've told me so much about?" He asked.

Eliza glanced behind her where Trumpkin looked over nervously. The girl wanted to laugh loudly at the look of dread on the dwarfs face as he slowly approached the Pevensies, Caspian and Aslan. The dwarf fell to his knees to bow before the lion. Aslan let out a deafening roar making Trumpkin flinch and shudder.

Lucy looked down at Trumpkin with a teasing grin across her face. "Do you see him now?" She mocked.


So... how are you?!

I hope you're okay and that enjoyed this chapter, I love you all so much,

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