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TIREDNESS WASHED OVER Eliza as her eyes fluttered open. She sat up slowly, rubbing at her eyes and taking in the fact she wasn't in a bed but in fact snuggled into a ginormous fur coat, circling a fire that looked like it would soon be extinguished. Her face felt numb due to the harsh coldness of Narnia and there was no light apart from the soft glow of the sun which was soon going to be rising in the distance. Susan, Lucy and the badgers all seemed to be sound asleep, while Peter sat on a frozen wooden log, his hand grasped around a wooden stick in attempt to look threatening.

"Did you even sleep?" Eliza queried, standing up and approaching her older brother who flinched in fright upon hearing her voice.

"No," Peter sighed, under his eyes were massive black bags that made his answer obvious, "Well- I don't know... maybe I got an hour or two."

Eliza nodded and sat down beside him, as the two looked out over the distance. "If you want to sleep I can 'keep watch' for a while?" The girl suggested, wrapping her coat around her tightly, trying to evade hypothermia.

Peter yawned, while shaking his head, "No-no I couldn't." The boy mumbled, rubbing his hands together to create some source of heat, "I-I can't leave you on guard- I'm the eldest for crying out loud."

Eliza rolled her eyes and turned to Peter, "Go," she instructed, pointing towards where she'd just arisen from, "Sleep."

The boy stood up shakily, handing Eliza his stick, "For protection," he whispered tiredly, stumbling off muttering incoherent words. The girl sat in silence as her mind wandered to her missing brother.

You never really realise how much you miss someone until they're not there anymore. She missed talking to Edmund, she missed laughing and joking quietly with him, she missed him. Eliza huffed slightly, her breath turning into fog. She would give her siblings until the sun rose, then she'd wake them so they could start their long trek to Aslans camp.

A LONG HOUR AND a half passed, the sun had risen significantly and all around Eliza, the white snow reflected the light. The girl was freezing to say the least, every ten minutes she would be forced to get up and jog in the spot trying to get her circulation working, but now it was time for her to awaken her siblings and the Beavers in order to continue their hike.

The girl crouched beside Susan, shaking her shoulder gently, doing the same to Lucy and Peter. The beavers had awoken to the sound of the Pevensies moving and talking, and at last, the six began their journey.

"Now, Aslan's camp is near the Stone Table just across the frozen river." Mr Beaver explained, pointing far into the distance, making Eliza grumble at how far their journey was going to be.

𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐄𝐎𝐔𝐒 [chronicles of narnia] Where stories live. Discover now