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THE WOLVES HOWLS ECHOED AROUND the five as they quickly sprinted back inside the Beavers dam. "Hurry up, Mama!" Mr Beaver yelled, "They're after us!". Mrs Beaver jumped to her feet and rushed towards the kitchen.

"What's she doing?!" Peter yelled frantically, while Eliza shut the door, trying to calm her rising nerves.

"Oh, you'll be thanking me later," Mrs Beaver rushed, taking out items to make food, "It's a long journey and Mr Beaver gets very cranky when he's hungry."

"I'm cranky now!" Mr Beaver raged while the sound of wolves grew closer. Eliza shut the door swiftly, and backing away from it, to stand beside her siblings.

"Do you think we'll need jam?" Susan questioned as Mrs. Beaver wrapped the food.

"Only if the witch serves toast!" Eliza snapped back in pure panic, earning a glare from her older sister,  "Don't be daft Susan!". The four Pevensies gasped upon hearing the sound of barks and howls surrounding the outside of the dam. The wolves began tearing away at the outer layer of the house, and eventually managed to break through, only to be met by emptiness.

Eliza ran after Mr. Beaver as he led them down a small underground tunnel. Peter was holding a flaming torch as he urged the others to hurry on.

"Badger and me dug this. Comes out right near his place." Mr. Beaver explained in a hurry.

"You told me it led to your mum's!" Mrs. Beaver spoke up accusingly, Lucy stumbled on a root, as the howling started once one.

"Lucy!" Susan cried out, helping the younger girl off of the muddy floor.

"They're in the tunnel." Lucy said with wide eyes, Eliza shook her head in shock and kept running, everyone else in pursuit.

"Hurry!" Mrs Beaver yelled, her urgency clearly visible.

"Run!" Peter shouted at Susan and Lucy, who were a bit behind. "Quick! Quick! Quick!"
They continued to run further but soon arrived to dead end causing Eliza to turn to the beavers in disbelief.

"You should have brought a map!" Mrs. Beaver groaned in annoyance, hitting her husband lightly over the head.

"There wasn't room next to the jam!" Mr. Beaver panicked, suddenly jumping up and into a hole, Mrs. Beaver soon followed with Susan then Lucy. Peter climbed out and offered to help Eliza who swatted his hand away as she fell out of the tunnel.

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