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THE SNOW FELL STEADILY as the Penvensie siblings travelled through the wonderland of snow. Eliza was lagging behind as the siblings stopped awe in front of a lamppost, it's soft orange glow illuminating the snow surrounding it, they hovered around it silently before they returned to their journey. Another few minutes passed and Eliza grinned mischievously abruptly pushing Peter down a hill of snow, making the older boy laugh in lightheartedness.

"- lots and lots of lovely food and we'll have lots and lots of..." Lucy stopped mid sentence as the Pevensies eyes landed on the broken down door.

"Lu?" Peter asked in confusion as their sister stopped in her tracks, before loudly gasping and darting towards the doorway.

"Lucy!" Peter exclaimed as the five rushed after the smaller girl, who had entered the small house. Eliza stepped into the little house, her eyes drifting all around the room, scanning it for any threats or something suspicious.

"Who would do something like this?" Lucy questioned, her voice filled with distraught. Edmund stepped towards his family, accidentally standing on a picture of what one could only presume was a faun. Peter shot the boy a dirty look before ripping a piece of paper off the wall from above the fireplace.

"The Faun Tumnus is hereby charged with High Treason against Her Imperial Majesty, Jadis, Queen of Narnia, for comforting her enemies and fraternizing with humans. Signed Maugrim, Captain of the Secret Police. Long Live the Queen." Peter read aloud, his words sending shivers down Eliza's spine.

"Alright, now we should really go back." Susan began waveringly, and for once, Eliza wholeheartedly agreed with her older sister.

"But what about Mr. Tumnus?!" Lucy persisted, her face screwing up as tears welled in her eyes.

"Lucy, he was arrested for being with a human." Eliza stated, crouching beside her sister, "Doing something will most likely make it worse."

"You don't understand, do you..?" Lucy spoke up softly, "I'm the human. She must've found out he helped me." Eliza stood back up slowly, looking between Susan and Peter with a pitiful expression.

"Maybe we can call the police?" Peter suggested in panic, shrugging his shoulders not knowing what to do in this situation.

"These are the Police." Susan answered, holding the notice up, waving it in the older boys face.

"Don't worry Lu," Peter comforted the smaller girl, "We'll think of something."

"Why?" Edmund spoke up from the corner of the house, Eliza looked towards her twin in confusion, "I mean, he's a criminal!"


The five Pevensies turned around quickly, seeing a bird perched on a branch outside in the snow. "D-did that bird just 'psst' us?!" Eliza asked, her eyes widening, Peter pushed passed Susan and Eliza and took the lead, making his way into the open. The bird flew away as Peter approached it but the sound of a twig snapping, sent the siblings into high alert.

Eliza gasped as scuttling could be heard on either side of them, her hand clutching Edmunds against his will. A small beaver made its way into the open, making all the siblings loosen up and let go of each other.

"It-It's a beaver?" Lucy tilted her head as the animal approached them, Eliza's hand loosened against Edmunds ever so slightly.

"Here boy," Peter clucked, stretching his arm out towards the beaver. The animal stood on its hind legs as Peter went to rub it.

"I ain't gonna smell it if that's what you want." The beaver spoke up, making Eliza jump and stumble backwards bumping into her twin, while Lucy just giggled.

"Oh...sorry." Peter mumbled feebly, resuming his position beside the siblings.

"Lucy Pevensie." The beaver suddenly pieced together, making Lucy's giggles to cease. Eliza stepped forward slightly, to stand behind the smaller girl, ready to pull her back and away from the beaver at any given time.

"Yes?" Lucy quivered, stepping towards the creature, while it held up a small white handkerchief for Lucy to take. The girl examined slowly before hitting a realisation, "Hey! This is the handkerchief I gave to Mr Tum-"

"-Tumnus. He got it to me just before they took him." The beaver said sadly. Could beavers feel sadness? Eliza was so lost in what was happening right now, why were they talking to a beaver about a half goat-man who their sister met through a wardrobe. Why couldn't they have just played a different game?!

"Is he alright?" Lucy queried in hope, making the beaver look around cautiously, motioning for them to follow him further into the woods. Peter and Lucy walked forward only to be stopped by Susan.

"What are you doing?!" The older girl exclaimed, placing a hand on Peters shoulder.

"She's right," Edmund butted in, "How do you know we can trust him?". Peter looked equally as shocked and annoyed that Edmund had agreed with something that Susan had said.

"He said he knows the faun." Peter defended, offering up the feeble excuse, making Eliza roll her eyes.

"He's a beaver!" Susan whisper-yelled, "He shouldn't be saying anything!". The beaver reappeared over the hill looking down at the siblings.

"Everything Alright?" The creature questioned, as all five of them turned to him. "Yes." Peter replied steadily, "We were just talking." The beaver once again scanned their surroundings before looking at them fearfully.

"That's better left for safer quarters." The beaver whispered, once again searching his surroundings, before scurrying back down the hill.

"He means the trees." Lucy filled her siblings in, looked around warily at the beautiful woodland.

"Of course he does." Eliza sighed in exasperation, her eyes still wide, while Susan, Edmund and her shared a look that could be easily translated to 'Are you kidding me?'.

Peter and Lucy continued onward leaving the three to lag behind. "We're seriously not going to follow a talking beaver?!" Eliza questioned in disbelief.

"I guess we have to." Susan sighed before following her siblings up the snowy hill, leaving the twins to follow. Eliza glanced at Edmund, only to see him look around in wonder. This place was truly magnificent but it felt wrong to be walking these woods and Eliza could only hope she wasn't the only one who felt it.

Love y'all... no cap 🧢❌

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