Chapter 17

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© CRGangell aka Whitesabretooth

Hi everyone,

Here is the second last chapter of Winds of Change. I hope you all enjoy it.

Thanks goes to my editor and you the ready, vote, comment and have fun.

Chapter 17

Dominic glanced around as the room settled, everyone who had arrived last night was gathered and ready. Rayal also looked around the room around wondering if people would object to him being here, his eyes landed on Joan and he smiled at her. She seemed a little jumpy but all her senses were extended now so it was reasonable. Joan smiled back at him and tried to relax, Alanna reached over and touched Joan, who seemed to take a deep breath and stilled.

“Why are they here?” Horst demanded as he pointed to all the people with coloured wings.

“Just because we have altered our nature it does not take away from the fact that Gabrielle, Joan and I are still Primes, Tarval is still a High Lord and Rayal is still Lord of his keep. The lore was written generations before you were born, Tarval and my wings were coloured then.” Michelle answered.

Tarval remained silent as he considered Horst, if he wasn’t careful he was going to get himself killed today.

“And the reason why the bitch is here,” he gestured to Alanna.

Paul stood and in a swift motion grabbed Horst and decked him, once he was pleased that Horst wasn’t knocked out he released the fool and sat. “Anyone else want to object to Alanna being here?” he pointedly looked at several of the more stupid Warlords and Lords but they just shook their heads.

“After we deal with the matter I have called you together for, I would like to amend the council treaty. Alanna has finally accepted the Alpha within her, she will be the Alpha of all Were who will call Sogol home in the future and as such deserves a place on the council.” Dominic explained.

“Dominic…” Alanna said in shock, as this was news to her. “Although flattered… I would have to pass up the offer until dragons and Santaurs can be included as well.”

Dominic tried to keep grin from his face, he had guessed that Alanna would do something like this. The rest of the council, however, were shocked at first that Alanna would decline such an offer for others. But eventually they remembered that Alanna had done sensational things like that ever since she first came to Sogol.

“Perhaps we can discuss this later.” Dominic said to the room and everyone nodded. “My keep went out a few days ago and took down the outcast camp.”

There were claps from many of those whose keeps had been threatened by that outcast camp, Dominic nodded at those clapping. “We captured the leader.” He continued.

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